• Lossing Watercolor of Arlington House

    Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial


There are park alerts in effect.
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  • Recent Bicycle Thefts

    Bicycle thefts along the G. W. Memorial Parkway at Theodore Roosevelt Island, Rock Creek Park, and other places have been increasing. Thieves have been cutting locks and stealing bicycles. Please report suspicious activity to Park Police at 703 285 1000

  • Rededication Postponed

    The rededication of the mansion will be delayed until the end of the summer. There will still be a wedding program on June 30th that will include dancing demonstrations, music and talks. For more information please call 703-235-1530


Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial is managed by the George Washington Memorial Parkway. To view news releases for Arlington House and other Parkway units, visit http://www.nps.gov/gwmp/parknews/index.htm.


Did You Know?

The Lee boys room at Arlington House

All three sons of Robert E. Lee served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War and all survived. The three boys, Custis, Rooney and Rob Jr., shared one room while growing up at Arlington House.