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Tree Marking Paint

The Forest Management Staff is involved in activities, improvements, and concerns related to the handling and use of tree-marking paint.

Specification 2400-400a

Specification 2400-400a is the USDA Forest Service specification for tree marking paint with tracer. The following document provides more information about the specification.

Paint Meetings Information

The National Tree Marking Paint Committee meets to discuss activities related to the use, improvements, concerns, and handling of tree marking paint within the Forest Service and the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management.

2012 National Tree Marking Paint Committee Meeting

The next National Tree Marking Paint Committee meeting is tentatively scheduled for the week of May 20, 2013, in Charleston, South Carolina.

Previous National Tree Marking Paint Committee Meetings

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Washington DC 20250-1103

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Last modified: Friday, 13-Jul-2012 14:55:14 EDT