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Chesapeake Bay TMDL

Executive Summary and Appendices

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Executive Summary — The Executive Summary of the Final Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) outlines the Bay TMDL background, development, accountability features and allocations. ... Read the Executive Summary (14pg, 608K)

Chesapeake Bay TMDL - Sections 1 through 14

Read the Appendices

The Chesapeake Bay TMDL contains Appendices A through X as well as the Agency's responses to comments during the 45- day comment period. Click below to read the Appendices and Responses to Public comments.

Click these links to read the Chesapeake Bay TMDL appendices

The release of the draft Chesapeake Bay TMDL on September 24, 2010 began a 45-day public comment period that concluded on November 8, 2010. In response to the TMDL, EPA received more than 14,000 written submissions – most of which were in support of the TMDL.

View the Agency’s responses to public comments

Responses to Public Comments on the Draft Chesapeake Bay TMDL - Part 1 (PDF) (1418pg, 10.6M)
Responses to Public Comments on the Draft Chesapeake Bay TMDL - Part 2 (PDF) (1732pg, 5.4M)

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