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Data Sources

Commodity Flow Survey, Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS),

Provides commodities flows on six modes originating in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Commodities are identified using the Standard Classification of Transported Goods (SCTG) system.

Freight Analysis Framework (FAF), FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations

Database available for download allows users to summarize inbound, outbound, within, and through flows of domestic and international commodities on four modes for 50 States, with commodities classified using Standard Transportation Commodity Classification (STCC) codes.

Transborder Surface Freight Data, BTS

This dataset provides information describing the value of North American trade by commodity; surface mode of transportation (rail, truck, pipeline, mail, or other); and shipment origin and destination by State, Province, US Customs port of entry, or Canadian or Mexican point of clearance, since April 1993.

Vehicle Inventory Use Survey (VIUS), US Census Bureau

Provides movement activity information for trucks, vans, and minivans. Data available include ownership, equipment type, truck configurations, dimensions, capacity, trip mileage, and commodities hauled.


For-fee information that provides a comprehensive and unified, multimodal goods movement database, which includes tonnage and equipment volumes by commodity, transportation mode, and lane at the county, ZIP code, metropolitan area, state, or province level for public and private sector freight planning since 1980. The goods are defined by commodity or North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) with volumes in terms of loads, tonnage, or value.

Port Import Export Reporting Service (Piers), Global Intelligence Solutions

For-fee dataset based on manifests and over 25,000 daily collected bills of lading that document import-export activity on trade through U.S., Mexican, Latin American and Asian ports.

Waterborne Commerce Statistics (US Army Corps of Engineers)

Provides origin to destination information for foreign and domestic waterborne cargo movements of commercial ports by region and state, as well as waterborne tonnage for principal ports, states, and territories.

Waterborne Trade Statistics (US Maritime Administration)

Provides data on foreign waterborne imports and exports by state and vessel calls at US ports, which are stratified by vessel type (tanker, dry-bulk carrier, full containership, or other). Information on US international traffic transshipped through Canadian ports is also provided.

US-Canada and US-Mexico Border Crossing Data (BTS)

Contains annual in-bound (only) border crossing data for vehicles, passengers and pedestrians that have entered the US from Canada and Mexico since 1997. Data are available in the following categories: trucks, trains, personal vehicles, passengers in personal vehicles, and pedestrians.

Carload Waybill Sample (Surface Transportation Board)

Data collected by the Association of American Railroads (AAR), which provides information on rail traffic, commodity, revenue, and routing characteristics for railroads that carry at least 4,500 carloads per year over the past 3 years or carry at least 5 % of an individual state's rail traffic.

Class I and Regional Rail Traffic Data (AAR)

Provides statistics for Class I and Regional railroads, by state.

Shortline Rail Traffic Data [American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA)]

Provides information on the Short Line railroad industry derived from an annual survey conducted by the ASLRRA, the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI), and supported by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Air Traffic and Airport Capacity Statistics (BTS)

Summaries of air traffic and airport capacity statistics for large certified air carriers (aircraft with a payload capacity of at least 18,000 pounds).

North American Airport Traffic Report (Airports Council International- North America)

Provides information on annual passenger and freight traffic for airports from an annual survey. The data set includes information on operations, including annual freight operations, which the FAA does not require to be reported.

Occupational Employment Statistics (OES), US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics

This dataset includes employment and wage estimates for over 700 occupations for the nation as a whole, individual States, and metropolitan areas. These are estimates of the number of people employed in certain occupations, and estimates of the wages paid to them. The BLS also produces occupational employment and wage estimates for over 400 industry classifications at the national level. The industry classifications correspond to the 2- and 3-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) industrial groups.

Census of Population, US Census Bureau

Provides population and demographic information for each county in the US. Freight-related data available include county population, non-farm employment level, and annual value of manufacturing shipments.

County Business Patterns, US Census Bureau

Contains employment information by Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code for each county in the US, which is updated every 5 years (2002 data available soon). Available data include number of employees, payroll amount, and employment size of business establishments.

Regional Economic Accounts, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Provides estimates of personal income, population, and employment at the state level.

Journey To Work and Place Of Work, US Census Bureau

The files present data at the county level for residents of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, based on county of residence or the county of work.

National Highway Planning Network (NHPN), FHWA Office of Interstate & Border Planning

The NHPN is a 1:100,000 scale network database that contains line features representing just over 450,000 miles of current and planned highways in the US, consisting of interstates, principal arterials, and rural minor arterials, by State.

Oak Ridge National Highway Network, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center for Transportation Analysis

The OKNHN is a database of major highways in the US that is based on the NHPN, and is designed primarily to address vehicle routing and scheduling problems, but may be used in other studies that require an analytic or geographically-based national highway network. The database has been enhanced by the addition of more roads and attribute detail and adjusting topology to produce a true analytic network.

Highway Performance and Monitoring System (HPMS), FHWA Office of Highway Policy Information

Dataset assembled from roadway information provided by State DOTs, which provides information on the extent, condition, performance, use, and operating characteristics of US highways.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Rail Network, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center for ransportation Analysis

The Center for Transportation Analysis (CTA) Railroad Network contains every railroad route in the US, Canada, and Mexico that has been active since 1993. Geographic accuracy is generally 100 m on active lines. Supporting data on interlines and corporate ancestry allows the construction of routable networks for a specific target date. The network is an extension of the Federal Railroad Administration's strategic network.

National Rail Planning Network, Federal Railroad Administration

Database containing 190,000 miles of rail mainlines, yards and terminals, and major sidings in North America. Contact FRA for information.

US Port and Waterway Database, US Army Corps of Engineers

This database includes information on the US waterway network, including locations of marine ports and locks.

Updated: 05/23/2012
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