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Assane Gueye

Assane Gueye is a postdoc researcher at the Computing and Communication Theory Group (CCTG) in the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standard and Technologies (NIST), working in collaboration with Dr. Vladmimir Marbuch.

Assane received his Ph.D. (March 2011) in EECS from UC Berkeley and his MSE in Communication Engineering from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)- Switzerland in 2004.

His recent work is on applying Game Theory notions to the Communication Security problem. His Ph.D. Dissertation "A Game Theoretic Approach to Communication Security" was supervised by Prof. Jean C. Walrand. Dr. Gueye is also interested in Collaborative Security and in the interconnection of Security and Trust. Assane's previous work includes Performance Evaluation of the Wideband CDMA at the Nokia Research Center (NRC) in Helsinki-Finland, Sensor Network Deployment at the Wireless Sensor Network Labs in Berkeley-CA, and Bottleneck Identification in Complex Network at UC Berkeley. His research interests also include Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D).

Selected Publications:

Towards a Metric for Communication Network Vulnerability to Attacks: A Game Theoretic Approach.  Assane Gueye, Vladimir Marbukh,  Online Report: available here.

A Nash Equilibrium Theorem for Blocking Games. Assane Gueye, Jean C. Walrand, and Venkat Anantharam. Technical Report, UCB, December 2010 (available on request).

A Network Topology Design Game: How to Choose Communication Links in an Adversarial Environment? Assane Gueye, Jean C. Walrand, and Venkat Anantharam. To appear in GameNets 2011, April 16-18 2011 - Shanghai, China

Design of Network Topology in an Adversarial Environment. Assane Gueye, Jean C. Walrand, and Venkat Anantharam. GameSec, Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security. Berlin Heidelberg, November 2010.

Iterative Node Deployment in an Unknown Environment. Assane Gueye, Sinem C. Ergen, Alberto S. Vincentelli IEEE Globecom 2009 November 30-December 4, Honolulu, Hawai, USA

Security in networks: A game-theoretic approach. Assane Gueye and Jean C. Walrand IEEE CDC 2008 December 9-11, 2008, Cancún, México

A Convex Upper Bound on the Log-Partition Function for Binary Distributions. Laurent El Ghaoui and Assane Gueye IEEE NIPS 2008 December 8-11, 2008, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

A Novel Approach to Bottleneck Analysis in Networks Nikhil Shetty, Assane Gueye, and Jean C. Walrand IEEE NOMS 2008 April 7-11, 2008. Salvador da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil.


April 2010
Daniel Mouen Makoua Gateway Fellowship
University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA, USA

January 2005
Vodafone Fellowship
University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA, USA

July 1999
Oustanding Student Prize: Cours de Mathematiques Speciales
EEPFL, Lausannne, Switzerland

May 1996
Physics first prize-winner: Concours Général Sénégalais Lycee Lamine Gueye: Ex Vanvo Dakar, Senegal


Summer 2008
Iterative Node Deployment in Unknown Environment Telecom Italia, Sparkle of North America Berkeley, Ca, USA

Gueye pic


ARRA Postdoctoral Fellow
Applied and Computational Mathematics Division
Computing and Communications Theory Group

Employment History:

  • Postdoc Researcher
    NIST, Gaithersburg, MD
    April 2011-Present
  • Graduate Student Researcher
    UCB, Berkeley, CA
  • Research Engineer
    • Telecom Italia/Sparkle of North America, Berkeley, CA 06-09/2007,2008
    • Integrated Device Technology, San Jose, CA 06-09/2007
  • Teaching Assistant
    • UCB, Berkeley, CA
    • EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Research Assistant
    Nokia Research Center, Helsinki, Finland 03-09/2004


  • Ph.D. 2011, UC Berkeley,
    Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS)
    Berkeley, CA, USA
  • MSE 2005, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)Communication Systems Engineering
    Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
  • Exchange Student 2002: University of Waterloo
    Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
  • CUES 1998, Université Mohamed I Oujda
    Mathematic and Physics
    Oujda, Morocco

Phone: 301-975-5456
Email: assane.gueye@nist.gov
Fax: 301-975-3553