Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
Northeast Region
2145 Key Wallace Dr
Cambridge, MD 21613
(410) 228-2677
migratory bird stamp or duck stamp

Buy Duck Stamps

If you're a hunter, buying a Duck Stamp each year is a familiar activity because it's required by law if you want to hunt migratory waterfowl in the United States. But if you're a birder, photographer, art collector, stamp enthusiast, or conservation-minded citizen, then you're among those individuals who are starting to see the need to buy Duck Stamps as well.

Originally created in 1934 as federal licenses required for hunting migratory waterfowl, Federal Duck Stamps have a much larger purpose today. Duck Stamps are now a vital source of funds for protecting wetlands, wildlife refuges, and endangered species -- especially in times of tight federal budgets.

Since 1934, the Federal Duck Stamps have generated more than $700 million and protected over 5.2 million acres of waterfowl habitat in America, and this habitat feeds and houses about one-third of the nation's endangered and threatened species. Consequently, the Duck Stamp Program is considered one of the most successful conservation initiatives ever created.

Nearly 98 cents out of every dollar collected from the sale of Duck Stamps (and Duck Stamp merchandise) goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System -- the only federal lands where wildlife comes first.

buy duck stamps

Blackwater NWR itself has benefited directly from this program, since Migratory Bird Conservation Funds have been used to purchase almost 20,000 acres for the Refuge. In fact, it's safe to say that almost every Refuge in the National Wildlife Refuge System has benefitted at least in part from the sale of Duck Stamps.

Today the growth of human populations and sprawling development has made National Wildlife Refuges an even more vital resource in America. But the number of hunters in America is dwindling and that means collectors, conservationists, birders, photographers and other nature-oriented groups need to pitch in and do their part to purchase Duck Stamps.

Purchasing a Duck Stamp is easy, and it will give you pride in knowing you're contributing directly to the protection of America's natural heritage. And Duck Stamps also give a valuable added benefit: if you are in possession of a current stamp, they give you free access to any U.S. National Wildlife Refuge open to the public.

So follow the link below to purchase a $15 Federal Duck Stamp. And please take a moment to visit the additional links to shop for Duck Stamp merchandise or to purchase a $5 Federal Junior Duck Stamp and learn more about how proceeds go towards supporting environmental education programs and conservation art:

Last updated: July 11, 2011