The Biology Division looks forward to moving into a 250,000-square-foot building that will have modern laboratories specifically designed for biological research. It will accommodate working arrangements for the single researcher or for large groups. The center will house the very extensive mouse colony, and, in separate, isolated quarters, a facility for sensitive transgenic or immune-deficient mice. X-ray crystallography, flow cytometry, electron microscopy, computer workstations, and other facilities will be accommodated with easy access to the laboratories. The biology library and conference rooms will be in the same building, as will the offices and classrooms of the ORNL-University of Tennessee Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

In the immediate neighborhood of the building will be the current Environmental Sciences Division buildings, and, not far away, the anticipated Advanced Neutron Source, with facilities specifically dedicated to analyzing biological materials. Within easy walking distance will be other basic science divisions like Health Sciences Research (including Nuclear Medicine), Chemical and Analytical Sciences, Physics, Solid State Physics, Engineering Physics and Mathematics, Instrumentation and Controls, and the new Center for Computational Sciences.

The Center for Biological Sciences will be readily accessible to visitors and guest users--and ready to move into the 21st century.

Where to?

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