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Power Reactors (Division 1): Regulatory Guides 1.121 - 1.140

This page lists the number, title, publication date, and revisions for each regulatory guide in Division 1, "Power Reactors," with references to draft guides and related documents (where applicable).

See also Draft Regulatory Guides for Division 1.

See NRC Regulatory Guides for more general information.

Reviewed (last column on table) means that the NRC has reviewed these guides and has determined that they are acceptable for continued use. The NRC encourages comments from stakeholders on any Regulatory Guide at any time. Comments received in this manner will be reviewed upon receipt, but will be fully evaluated during the next periodic review of the affect guides. Currently, Regulatory Guides are reviewed on a 5 year basis. In certain cases, a Regulatory Guide will be looked at before the 5 year period has passed.

Title Rev. Publish
1.121 Bases for Plugging Degraded PWR Steam Generator Tubes (for Comment) -- 08/1976 06/2007

Development of Floor Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Floor-Supported Equipment or Components 1 02/1978  
-- 09/1976
1.123 Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Items and Service for Nuclear Power Plants
(Withdrawn -- See 56 FR 36175, 07/31/1991)
W 07/1991  
1.124 Service Limits and Loading Combinations for Class 1 Linear-Type Supports 2 02/2007  
1 01/1978
-- 11/1976
1.125 Physical Models for Design and Operation of Hydraulic Structures and Systems for Nuclear Power Plants 2 03/2009  
1 10/1978
-- 03/1977
1.126 An Acceptable Model and Related Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Fuel Densification 2 03/2010  
1 03/1978
-- 03/1977
1.127 Inspection of Water-Control Structures Associated with Nuclear Power Plants 1 03/1978  
-- 04/1977
1.128 Installation Design and Installation of Vented Lead-Acid Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power Plants 2 02/2007  
1 10/1978
-- 04/1977
1.129 Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented Lead-Acid Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power Plants 2 02/2007  
1 02/1978
-- 04/1977
1.130 Service Limits and Loading Combinations for Class 1 Plate-and-Shell-Type Component Supports 2 03/2007  
1 10/1978
-- 07/1977

Qualification Tests of Electric Cables, Field Splices, and Connections for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (for Comment)
(Withdrawn -- See 74 FR 18000, 04/20/2009)

Replaced by guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.211.


-- 08/1977
1.132 Site Investigations for Foundations of Nuclear Power Plants 2 10/2003  
1 03/1979
-- 09/1977
1.133 Loose-Part Detection Program for the Primary System of Light-Water-Cooled Reactors 1 05/1981 11/2009
-- 09/1977
1.134 Medical Evaluation of Licensed Personnel at Nuclear Power Plants 3 03/1998  
2 04/1987
1 03/1979
-- 09/1977

Normal Water Level and Discharge at Nuclear Power Plants (for Comment)

(Withdrawn -- See 74 FR 39349, 08/06/2009)

W 08/2009  
-- 09/1977
1.136 Design Limits, Loading Combinations, Materials, Construction, and Testing of Concrete Containments 3 03/2007  
2 06/1981
1 10/1978
-- 11/1977
1.137 Fuel-Oil Systems for Standby Diesel Generators 1 10/1979  
-- 01/1978
1.138 Laboratory Investigations of Soils and Rocks for Engineering Analysis and Design of Nuclear Power Plants 2 12/2003  
1 --
-- 04/1978
1.139 Guidance for Residual Heat Removal (for Comment)
(Withdrawn -- See 73 FR 32750, 06/10/2008)
W 06/2008  
-- 05/1978
1.140 Design, Inspection, and Testing Criteria for Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Normal Atmosphere Cleanup Systems in Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants 2 06/2001  
1 10/1979
-- 03/1978

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, September 24, 2012