State Assistance Programs for SSI Recipients, January 2005



State Supplementation

Mandatory Minimum Supplementation

Administration: State Department of Human Services.

Optional State Supplementation

Administration: State Department of Human Services.

Effective date: March 1, 1974.

Statutory basis for payment: Illinois Revised Statutes, chapter 305; ILCS, section 5/3-1 et seq.


Administration: State funds.

Assistance: State funds.

Passalong method: Maintaining payment levels.

Place of application: County offices of the state Department of Human Services, except in Cook County where application is made at district offices of the Department of Human Services.

Scope of coverage: Optional state supplement provided to all aged, blind, or disabled SSI recipients, including children, whose income-maintenance needs, based on state standards, exceed their monthly SSI benefit plus other income. Individuals who have been denied SSI because of their level of income may be eligible for an optional state supplement if there is a deficit between all other income and the income-maintenance need based on state standards. Noncitizens living in the community who are eligible because the federal 7-year limit has expired are given a flat $500 allowance. This program goes into effect July 15, 2004, and expires July 1, 2006.

Resource limitations: Federal SSI regulations apply.

Income exclusions

All recipients: First $25 per month of any income, except income received from a spouse or other person.

Aged and disabled: $20 plus one-half of next $60 per month of earned income.

Blind: $85 plus one-half of remainder of earned income per month.

Recoveries, liens, and assignments: Estate claims are filed against real and personal property for all:

Financial responsibility of relatives: Parents are not responsible for a child of any age who has married, regardless of current marital status, and is not living with the parent.

Interim assistance: State participates.

Payment levels: See Table 1.

Table 1. Optional state supplementation payment levels, January 2005 (in dollars)
Living arrangement Combined federal and state State supplementation
Individual Couple Individual Couple
Living independently a a a a
Room and board facility a a a a
Residential facility a a a a
a. State supplementation is based on state-approved allowances given for individual needs.
Living independently
Living in the community.
Room and board facility
Living in the community but paying for both lodging and meals. An allowance for room and board is given in lieu of separate allowances for food and shelter.
Residential facility
Living in a long-term care or sheltered care facility. For long-term care, a $30 personal needs allowance is provided to a person who has no other income.

Number of recipients: See Table 2.

Table 2. Number of persons receiving optional state supplementation, January 2005
Living arrangement Total Aged Blind Disabled
All recipients 29,947 6,674 109 23,164
Living independently 29,326 6,573 100 22,653
Room and board facility 46 8 0 38
Residential facility 575 93 9 473

State Assistance for Special Needs

Illinois assists with funeral and burial costs of persons who were eligible for state-administered cash or medical assistance at the time of death.



Criteria: State guidelines.

Determined by: State.

Medically Needy Program

State provides a program for the aged, blind, and disabled medically needy; children and caretakers.

Unpaid Medical Expenses

The Social Security Administration does not obtain this information.