Burgess Statement On September Jobs Report
Posted by on October 08, 2010
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Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (Texas-26), a member of the Joint Economic Committee, released the following statement on the September jobs report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics today:

“For yet another month, job growth remained stagnant and the number of unemployed remained high. While the private sector did add jobs last month, which I am pleased to see, that growth was very modest, and overall the economy lost 95,000 jobs while the unemployment rate remained at 9.6 percent. For minorities and young people, the situation is even worse – proof once again that the Democrats’ big-government big-spending policies are not working.

“American businesses need stability in order to feel comfortable expanding and hiring more workers, and the Democratic leadership in Washington is not providing this needed certainty. The health care law and proposed cap and trade will only raise costs, and regulatory reform places more burden and restrictions on businesses. Further, because of Democrats’ refusal to have a vote on tax policy, taxes for the majority of small businesses could soon increase, and every single American has no idea how much in federal taxes they will pay next year. This is unacceptable.

“I am also disappointed that the Joint Economic Committee is not holding its monthly jobs hearing. For too long Democrats have focused on ramming through their liberal agenda with no regard for the effect this will have on jobs – and Americans are concerned about jobs. At the same time that they have spent trillions of dollars supposedly trying to create jobs, in reality their policies have substantially slowed the pace of growth and killed American jobs. It’s time for Congress to get serious about helping our economy get back on track – repeal health care reform, make current tax policy permanent, and get out of the way so American ingenuity can lead us out of this economic mess that Democrats have only made worse.”

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D., is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations, and a member of the Health and Energy & Environment subcommittees. He is the founder and Chairman of the Congressional Health Care Caucus, and is also a member of the bipartisan, bicameral Joint Economic Committee. Prior to becoming a member of Congress in 2002, Congressman Burgess practiced medicine in North Texas for over 25 years.
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Angelo hahnle commented on 10/15/2010
    Congressman Burgess,MD I read your report with interest and I feel that you are trying to echo the feelings and desires of the district you represent in a conservative manor..I wish you the best of sucess..I am not in your district however I applaud your efforts sir.. Sincerely yours, Angelo R. Hahnle Tioga Texas..76271
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