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Energy Blog

August 15, 2012
Karl Fraiser, a member of the Savannah River Special Emphasis Planning Committee, meets with Dot Harris at the site’s Women’s Equality Day Celebration. | Photo by Rob Davis, Savannah River Site.
Leveling the Playing Field for Women: Work at the Energy Department

The many talented Energy Department women work every day to lead the Department’s critical missions, serve our country, and act as models for the next generation of women leaders.

August 14, 2012
A Banner Year for the U.S. Wind Industry

Sharing key findings from a new report that details the dramatic expansion of wind energy in America.

August 14, 2012
Photo courtesy of Nordex USA.
Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Wind

Get the details on a few of the lesser known wind energy facts.

August 14, 2012
This infographic details key findings from the Energy Department’s <a href="">2011 Wind Technologies Market Report </a> -- which underscores the dramatic growth of the U.S. wind industry. | Infographic by <a href="/node/379579">Sarah Gerrity</a>.
INFOGRAPHIC: Wind Energy in America

Our new infographic chronicles the dramatic expansion of the American wind industry.

August 13, 2012
The Energy Department’s main site, and its contents, are now available on the go. This allows users to access the Energy Departments’ resources over a variety of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets.
Feedback Wanted: Help the Energy Department Go Mobile, Open Data!

What is the Energy Department doing in mobile, APIs, and responsive design?

August 13, 2012
By developing a better understanding of the microbes that affect the growth of other plants (crops like corn or wheat) researchers may be able to improve their growth -- or provide better care for them in times of drought.
Rooted in Wonder: Joint Genome Institute Study Reveals Amazing World Underfoot

Scientists study roots of common weeds, also known as the "lab rat" of the plant kingdom, and find new discoveries that affect growth.

August 10, 2012
Desalination is normally an energy intensive process, but by collaborating with Energy Department's National Labs Campbell Applied Physics has found a way to make seawater drinkable while using 50 percent less energy. | Photo courtesy of Campbell Applied Physics.
Strengthening U.S. Leadership in Advanced Manufacturing

Desalination is normally an energy intensive process, but by collaborating with Energy Department's National Labs Campbell Applied Physics has found a way to make seawater drinkable.

August 10, 2012
Green Button App of the Week Part 3: VELObill

Zerofootprint’s VELObill helps users get a clear picture of their energy, whether it is up or down, and how it compares to past consumption.

August 10, 2012
Turbines on the Shirley Wind Farm near Green Bay, Wisconsin. Renewable energy represents one of the biggest economic opportunities for the global economy, and with a few small changes in how we finance projects like these, we can help make it easier and more affordable to bring clean energy to families and businesses nationwide. | Photo courtesy of Nordex USA.
Seizing a Clean Energy Opportunity

Richard Kauffman, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Energy, details how the U.S. clean energy industry is able and prepared to produce real energy for American consumers.

August 10, 2012
On Monday, August 6, 2012, NASA's Curiosity rover arrived on the surface of Mars to gather geological and environmental data to determine if the planet has ever had the potential to support life. This photo was taken by a navigation camera located toward the back-left of the Curiosity rover, and features part of the rover's nuclear <a href="/node/381709" target="_blank">power supply</a>. Beyond the rover itself, Curiosity's exploration reveals the desert-like terrain of Mars's Gale Crater. | Photo courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech.
Photo of the Week: August 10, 2012

Check out our favorite energy-related photos!