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WWEA Head Office

Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5
53113 Bonn
Tel.: +49 228 369 40 80
Fax: +49 228 369 40 84
WWEA Press Release: WWEA urges Climate Change Congress not to downplay Renewable Energies
Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Bonn (WWEA) – Today, WWEA has written an open letter to the International Scientific Congress on Climate Change taking place in Copenhagen from 10-12 March 2009 urging the Congress to refrain in the final congress conclusions from any misleading statements which downplay the actual potentials of renewable energies:

Study shows 47 % renewable energy electricity in Germany by 2020
Friday, 06 March 2009

bee-study_logoGerman Renewable Energy Federation BEE publishes study about development of the energy sector in Germany:

"Power Supply 2020 – How to reach a modern energy economy. The renewable energy industry's development forecast for the power sector"

One of the key findings: "The forecast quantity of power produced from renewable energies for 2020 already equals 47 percent of the gross electricity production." More than half of this will come from wind turbines installed within the country. 

Pdf version can be downloaded 1.23 Mb

WWEA Press Release: Government of Ontario wants feed-in tariffs and proposes Green Energy Act
Friday, 27 February 2009

 ontario_logoGovernment of Ontario wants feed-in tariffs and proposes Green Energy Act

Bonn (WWEA) – Half a year after the 7th World Wind Energy Conference was held in Kingston/Ontario, the government of the Canadian province of Ontario has proposed a Green Energy Act which is likely to become a law in the near future. WWEA strongly welcomes this step and has written a letter to the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure of Ontario, the Hon. George Smitherman:

World Wind Energy Report 2008 published
Thursday, 12 February 2009

total2008_s Highlights of the World Wind Energy Report 2008: 

· Worldwide capacity reaches 121’188 MW, out of which 27’261 MW were added in 2008. 
· Wind energy continued its growth in 2008 at an increased rate of 29 %.
· All wind turbines installed by the end of 2008 worldwide are generating 260 TWh per annum, equalling more than 1,5 % of the global electricity consumption.
· The wind sector became a global job generator and has created 440’000 jobs worldwide.
· The wind sector represented in 2008 a turnover of 40 billion €.
· For the first time in more than a decade, the USA took over the number one position from Germany in terms of total installations.
· China continues its role as the most dynamic wind market in the year 2008, more than doubling the installations for the third time in a row, with today more than 12 GW of wind turbines installed.
· North America and Asia catch up in terms of new installations with Europe which shows stagnation.
· Based on accelerated development and further improved policies, a global capacity of more than 1’500’000 MW is possible by the year 2020. 

Downdload pdf version of World Wind Energy Report 2008: 

in English 1.15 Mb, in Chinese 904.29 Kb, 

in French 1.11 Mb, in Russian 883.34 Kb

IRENA has 75 governments as founding members
Tuesday, 27 January 2009




WWEA congratulates those governments that have signed the IRENA founding documents and offers full cooperation and support

Bonn (WWEA) – Representatives from 125 governments and numerous non-governmental organisations met in Bonn yesterday for the founding conference of the International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA. 75 Governments signed the statute of IRENA during the ceremony, which was concluded by a standing ovation of the attending delegates. Several additional governments indicated before and during the conference that they will join IRENA in the near future.

Energy Watch Group publishes new report on wind energy
Friday, 09 January 2009

ewg_logo“Wind Power in Context – A Clean Revolution in the Energy Sector” presented today in London
Report shows Wind Power experiencing Exponential Growth

- Decade of 30 per cent year on year increase in MW-additions for wind sector
- Global wind power capacity set to double in next three years
- Growth rates indicate dominance of renewables by 2025
- IEA World Energy Outlook 2008 prediction of stagnation ‘blown’ out of water

Call for Papers: WWEC2009 Wind Power for Islands
Wednesday, 17 December 2008




Wind turbine on Jeju island 8th World Wind Energy Conference 2009:
Wind Power for Islands - Offshore and Onshore

Jeju Island, South Korea, 23-25 June 2009

organised by the World Wind Energy Association WWEA
and the Korean Wind Energy Association KWEA 

Outstanding Content







Now available: 

"Wind Energy International 2007/2008"

the new edition of the international standard yearbook for wind energy

including 66 country reports and 36 special reports.

Order form can be downloaded here 101.97 Kb
Table of contents can be downloaded here 80.27 Kb

Some feedback:
"The book is very informative. Congratulation!!", Paul Suding, REN 21
"This yearbook is a kind of a Wind Bible and is a must-have!"
Emma Sanan, Sharad Saxena - Kestrel Wind Turbines, South Africa

Book review
The book is a valuable source of information which could be used by all persons interested in wind energy / Le livre est une véritable mine d'informations qui peuvent être utiles à tous ceux qui s'intéressent de près ou de loin à l'énergie éolienne." Planète éolienne, France
Complete book review (in french language) can be viewed here


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World Wind Energy Conferences

in Kingston/Ontario, 24-26 June 2008,
jointly organised with the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association
and the St Lawrence College
WWEA - World Wind Energy Association. Copyright © 2006 by WWEA. All rights reserved.