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Database and Development Indicators

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Database and Development Indicators
Updated: 27 August 2008

Information has become a major driving force in economies. For many years, ADB has assisted its developing member countries in gathering and disseminating better statistical data.

The Economics and Research Department disseminates recent key economic, financial, and social indicators compiled from developing member countries and other international sources.

For 2005-2008, key outputs will include the following:

  1. Unification of ADB's two statistical databases: the Statistical Database System and the Poverty Development Indicators Database, in order to have one data repository while maintaining the two current data retrieval facilities
  2. Development of a portal for all available statistical resources within and outside ADB
  3. Development of a household survey data depository
  4. Statistical capacity building in developing member countries
  5. Investment climate and productivity studies and surveys

See ongoing and earlier research.


Key Indicators 2008
Key Indicators 2008

Key Indicators 2008

Basic Statistics 2008
Statistical Database System
International Comparison Program
Comparing Poverty Across Countries: The Role of Purchasing Power Parity Comparing Poverty Across Countries: The Role of Purchasing Power Parity

The Special Chapter describes how alternative approaches to compiling purchasing power parities (PPPs) influence internationally comparable estimates of poverty.
Development Indicators Reference Manual Development Indicators Reference Manual

A concise and quick reference manual of the concepts and definitions of economic, financial, social, environment and other development indicators; it also includes Millennium Development Goals and many new social indicators.
Poverty Impact Analysis: Selected Tools and Applications Poverty Impact Analysis: Selected Tools and Applications

This book highlights three critical areas in poverty impact analysis: identifying the poor at the household level, over a specific geographical area, and for poverty impact analysis in an economy-wide context. Some tools have been simplified to ease scaling up or addition of more countries in applications.

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