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House Majority Releases Report Documenting ObamaCare’s Devastating Impact on American Jobs
Posted by Press Office on January 06, 2011
Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester), Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), and several House committee chairmen today released a report entitled ObamaCare: A Budget-Busting, Job-Killing Health Care Law. You can view the report right here:

Boehner says the new report “shows how the health care law is making it harder to end the job-killing spending binge that threatens our children’s future,” and “[t]hat’s why tomorrow the House will take the first steps towards repealing this job-killing health care law and replacing it with reforms that will bring down costs and protect jobs.”

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • susan klewicki commented on 1/13/2011
    Mr Boehner, will the tradgey in AZ affect your original, conservative agenda,including the repealing of the horrific health care plan? I certainly hope not.The American people spoke clearly on Nov. 2nd. As horrible as last Saturday's tragdey was, It has nothing at all to do, in my opinion, with politics. Our party needs to stay strong on principle, and not buckle under intended intimidation!
  • Miles Hoehn commented on 1/18/2011
    Why not solve two problems at once; immigration and social security? Start with the Guest worker program Bush wanted. You can screen workers ahead of time. When they come here to work, they must pay taxes, but not Social secuity. They would not be eligble to collect SS ever. The employer pays social security though. That bolsters the system for getting through the "Baby boomers". Along with the guest worker program, give current illegals 2 years to either become legal, or go home and come back through the guest worker program. If they are caught after that, they would not be eligible for the program for 5 years. Include incentives/penalties for business to comply as well.
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