
-09/20/12  Remarks at the Global Infrastructure Conference;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; George C. Marshall Auditorium; Washington, DC
-09/18/12  Economics: Centerpiece of 21st Century U.S. Foreign Policy;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; Miami, FL
-09/10/12  Public Private Partnerships & Social Entrepreneurship: Building Solutions for Good; Catalysts & Convergence: Leveraging Public-Private Partnerships and Innovation Communication Technologies for Social Enterprise; Washington, DC
-09/09/12  Remarks to SAMENA;  Ambassador U.S. Head of Delegation, World Conference on International Telecommunications Terry Kramer; Dubai, United Arab Emirates
-09/08/12  Remarks to the League of Arab States;  Ambassador U.S. Head of Delegation, World Conference on International Telecommunications Terry Kramer; Dubai, United Arab Emirates
-09/06/12  Economic Rebalance: The Role of Infrastructure in the Success of the Arab Spring; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Deborah A. McCarthy, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; National Council on U.S. Arab Relations, Infrastructure and Business Opportunities in North Africa Event; Washington, DC
-08/05/12  Strengthening the U.S.-Taiwan Economic Relationship;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; American Chamber of Commerce; Taipei, Taiwan
-08/03/12  Fostering a Rules-Based System in the U.S.-China Economic Relationship;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; American Chamber of Commerce; Hong Kong
-08/01/12  Creating an Environment for Future Success; Information Technology Industry Council; Washington, DC
-07/25/12  Smart Sanctions: Confronting Security Threats with Economic Statecraft;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; San Francisco, CA
-06/28/12  Regarding Significant Reductions of Iranian Crude Oil Purchases;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-06/13/12  Message From President Obama to U.S. Embassies on Economic Statecraft Day; Washington, DC
-06/11/12  Regarding Significant Reductions of Iranian Crude Oil Purchases;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-06/07/12  Diversity, Inclusion and U.S. Foreign Policy at the Department Of State; Department of State Diversity, Inclusion, and U.S. Foreign Policy Wisdom Session; Washington, DC
-06/06/12  Remarks to the Kimberley Process Intersessional Natural Resources Governance;  Assistant Secretary Michael H. Posner, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; Loy Henderson Auditorium; Washington, DC
-06/05/12  2012 OECD International Tax Conference;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-06/01/12  Business Opportunities in Europe Post-Crisis; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Deborah A. McCarthy, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; 22nd Global Summit of Women; Athens, Greece
-05/30/12  Transparency and Partnership in the Transitioning Economies of the Arab Spring;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; Middle East and North Africa "Better Governance and Fair Tax Systems" Conference; Tunis, Tunisia
-05/17/12  Promoting American Economic Leadership;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; Denver, CO
-05/12/12  Two Cases for Internet Freedom;  Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy Philip L. Verveer; Winnik Telecom and Internet Forum; Hogan Lovells, Washington, DC
-05/04/12  Remarks at the Strategic and Economic Dialogue U.S. Press Conference;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; JW Marriott; Beijing, China
-05/03/12  Remarks at U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue Opening Session;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Diaoyutai Villa 17; Beijing, China
-04/30/12  Remarks at the U.S. Government Implementation Workshop on UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; George C. Marshall Auditorium; Washington, DC
-04/26/12  Promoting a Comprehensive Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility; George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center; Washington, DC
-04/26/12  Remarks at the Global Impact Economy Forum;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Loy Henderson Auditorium; Washington, DC
-04/24/12  U.S.-Libya Business Association in Tripoli;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; Tripoli, Libya
-04/11/12  Remarks to the ACIEP Sanctions Subcommittee;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; Georgetown Law School; Washington, DC
-03/23/12  The Contribution of National Contact Points in furthering the Responsibility of Business to Respect Human Rights; National Contact Points and the Extractive Sector; London, United Kingdom
-03/20/12  Implementation of Section 1245 of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA); Via Teleconference; Washington, DC
-03/20/12  Statement on Significant Reductions of Iranian Crude Oil Purchases;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/16/12  Boosting Agricultural Production;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-03/15/12  U.S.- Korea Free Trade Agreement Takes Effect;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/02/12  State Capitalism and Competitive Neutrality; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Deborah A. McCarthy, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; APCAC 2012 U.S.-Asia Business Summit; Washington, DC
-02/26/12  Interview With Samira Sitail of 2M;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Sofitel Hotel; Rabat, Morocco
-02/26/12  Remarks at New Embassy Compound Ground Breaking Ceremony;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Rabat, Morocco
-02/25/12  Meeting With Embassy Staff and Their Families;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; U.S. Embassy; Algiers, Algeria
-02/25/12  Remarks Following Meeting With Tunisian President Marzouki;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Presidential Palace; Tunis, Tunisia
-02/25/12  Remarks at Civil Society Roundtable;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Chief of Mission Residence; Algiers, Algeria
-02/25/12  Town Hall With Tunisian Youth;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Palais du Baron d'Erlanger; Tunis, Tunisia
-02/21/12  Secretary Clinton's Keynote Address at Global Business Conference;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-02/03/12  Ambassador Milovanovic's Briefing on Her Role As Newly-Appointed 2012 Chair of the Kimberley Process;  Chair of the Kimberley Process (KP) Gillian A. Milovanovic; Via Teleconference; Washington, DC
-01/24/12  Inaugural Meeting of the International Council on Women's Business Leadership;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-01/20/12  Remarks at the Internet Governance, Internet Freedom, and Economics Conference on the Arab World after the Arab Spring;  Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy Philip L. Verveer; Washington, DC
-01/18/12  Remarks at the 13th Annual Award for Corporate Excellence;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-01/17/12  Remarks at the North Africa Partnership for Economic Opportunity (NAPEO) Conference;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; Second NAPEO U.S.-Maghreb Entrepreneurship Conference; Marrakesh, Morocco

-11/30/11  Meeting Agricultural Challenges;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; America's Heartland Annual Advisory Board Meeting; Washington, DC
-11/17/11  Advancing Entrepreneurship Through Social Responsibility; Hungarian Kairos Summit; Washington, DC
-11/16/11  Briefing on the Creation of the Energy Resources Bureau at the State Department;  Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs Carlos Pascual; Washington, DC
-11/16/11  Briefing on the New Bureau of Energy Resources within the Department of State;  Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs Carlos Pascual; Via Teleconference
-11/11/11  Remarks With Nina Easton of Fortune Magazine at the CEO Summit on Women and the Economy;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Sheraton Waikiki; Honolulu, Hawaii
-11/10/11  America's Pacific Century;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; East-West Center; Honolulu, HI
-10/27/11  U.S. and EU: Facing Common Challenges; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Deborah A. McCarthy, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce Luncheon; Miami, FL
-10/26/11  Economic Statecraft; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Deborah A. McCarthy, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; European and Eurasian Affairs Deputy Chief of Mission Conference; Washington, DC
-10/24/11  A Conversation With Howard G. Buffett, Bill Gates, and Josette Sheeran, World Food Program Executive Director, Focusing on Efforts to Address Global Hunger and Create Economic Opportunity;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-10/18/11  Promoting Pharmaceutical Innovation and Patient Confidence;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; Sino-U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry Summit of 2011; Beijing, China
-10/17/11  Closing Remarks at Food Security Discussion With African Agriculture Ministers;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Washington, DC
-10/14/11  Economic Statecraft;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Economic Club of New York; New York City
-10/12/11  South Korea, Colombia, Panama Free Trade Agreements;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-10/11/11  Global Farmer Award Dinner;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Des Moines, IA
-09/20/11  Remarks at the APEC High Level Conference on Innovation, Trade, and Technology;  Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy Philip L. Verveer; San Francisco, CA
-09/01/11  Remarks at the World Boston Forum;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Boston, MA
-07/27/11  Secretary Clinton's Recent Trip to Asia;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-07/25/11  Remarks on Principles for Prosperity in the Asia-Pacific;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Shangri-La, Hong Kong
-07/18/11  Internet Governance Forum USA;  Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy Philip L. Verveer; Washington, DC
-07/14/11  Foreign Policy of the Internet;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Karen Kornbluh; The Washington Post; Washington, DC
-07/13/11  Transatlantic Week Roundtable;  Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy Philip L. Verveer; Washington, DC
-07/12/11  Briefing on Diplomacy and Jobs;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; Washington, DC
-07/12/11  Remarks at the 2011 U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC) Conference;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Grand Hyatt Hotel; Washington, DC
-07/06/11  Biotech Addresses Food Security, Climate Change: Potential Economic Growth Engine;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; BIOtechNOW; Washington, DC
-06/27/11  Privileges and Challenges;  Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy Philip L. Verveer; USTDA Conference Egypt: Forward; Washington, DC
-06/27/11  USTDA Egypt: Forward Forum, Executive Roundtable;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-06/23/11  Joint Statement on Iran Sanctions; Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-06/17/11  Global Innovation Through Science and Technology Conference on "Economic Development Through Science and Technology Innovation";  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Rabat, Morocco
-06/16/11  Opening Ceremony of the Tunisia Investment Forum;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Tunis, Tunisia
-06/13/11  Remarks to the National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC) Business Organization Leadership Development Training Program; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Deborah A. McCarthy, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations from Algeria, Egypt, Morocco & Tunisia; Washington, DC
-06/12/11  Feed the Future Announcement at Mlandizi Farm Women's Cooperative;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
-06/12/11  Remarks With Tanzanian Prime Minster Mizengo Pinda and Irish Deputy Prime Minister Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore at the High-Level Meeting on Nutrition and 1,000 Days Initiative;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
-06/12/11  Remarks at the Symbion Power Plant;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
-06/11/11  Remarks at Launch of U.S.-Zambia Chamber of Commerce;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; InterContinental Hotel; Lusaka, Zambia
-06/10/11  Closing Remarks at African Growth and Opportunity Forum;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Mulungushi International Conference Center; Lusaka, Zambia
-06/10/11  Remarks to Participants in the African Women's Entrepreneurship Program;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Mulungushi International Conference Centre; Lusaka, Zambia
-06/03/11  Remarks at the Business Forum Promoting Commercial Opportunities in Iraq;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-05/26/11  Meeting With Staff and Families of the Tri-Missions;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ambassador's Residence; Paris, France
-05/26/11  OECD Session on Development and Gender;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; OECD Conference Center; Paris, France
-05/25/11  Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the OECD On African Public Debt Management;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Paris, France
-05/25/11  Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the OECD On Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Paris, France
-05/25/11  Remarks at the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the OECD;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Paris, France
-05/25/11  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton At the Dinner for the OECD 50th Anniversary Ministerial;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Paris, France
-05/24/11  Briefing on the Latest Sanctions on Iran; Via Teleconference; Washington, DC
-05/18/11  The Secretary's Global Diaspora Forum;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-05/17/11  Preview of the OECD Paris Ministerial and OECD's 50th Anniversary Week Celebrations;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; Washington, DC
-05/09/11  Remarks at the Opening Session of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Sidney R. Yates Auditorium; Department of the Interior, Washington, DC Also available in Chinese
-05/08/11  Presents Jeffrey Bader With the Secretary's Distinguished Service Award;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Blair House; Washington, DC
-05/06/11  Remarks at Food Security Event;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Food and Agriculture Organization; Rome, Italy
-05/04/11  National Conference of Editorial Writers;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Loy Henderson Auditorium; Washington, DC
-04/27/11  Conversations With America: U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-04/20/11  The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Global Risk Management and Foreign Policy Development; Cornell University Johnson Graduate School of Management; Ithaca, NY
-04/19/11  U.S.-Korea Trade Agreement;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Woodrow Wilson Center; Washington, DC
-03/30/11  Remarks at a Ceremony Celebrating the Negotiation of Agreements Between the United States and 100 Open Skies Partners;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/03/11  U.S.-Turkey Economic Partnership Commission;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-02/18/11  Conversations With America: The State Department's Internet Freedom Strategy;  Assistant Secretary Michael H. Posner, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; Washington, DC
-02/16/11  Enhancing Regional Science & Technology Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; AAAS Conference; Washington, DC
-02/03/11  "A Moment of Opportunity" in the Americas;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Remarks at AACCLA Luncheon; Miami, Florida
-02/03/11  Open Skies Air Services Agreement Signing;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
-01/26/11  U.S.-Turkey Relationship;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; TUSKON Business Association; Istanbul, Turkey
-01/13/11  Forum for the Future: Partnership Dialogue Panel Session;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ritz Carlton; Doha, Qatar
-01/07/11  Jewelers Vigiliance Committee Annual Luncheon; Washington, DC

-12/27/10  Verdict in the Khodorkovsky-Lebedev Case;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-12/17/10  Remarks at the 12th Annual Secretary's Awards for Corporate Excellence;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-12/09/10  Briefing on Assistant Secretary Fernandez's Recent Travel to Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia, and the North Africa Partnership for Economic Opportunity (NAPEO);  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-12/08/10  International Anti-Corruption Day;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-12/01/10  U.S.-Maghreb Entrepreneurship Conference;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Algiers, Algeria
-11/08/10  Information and Communication Technology for an Empowered Society;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Global Forum: Shaping the Future 2010, George Washington University; Washington, DC
-10/08/10  Accomplishments of the 37th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO); Acting Department Spokesman Mark C. Toner; Washington, DC
-10/08/10  Addressing Global Food Production;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; The Huffington Post
-10/06/10  Promoting Entrepreneurship;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
-10/06/10  The Challenges and Opportunities of Biotechnology;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; The Indonesia Agricultural Technology and Investment Forum; Jakarta, Indonesia
-10/01/10  Background Briefing On the Upcoming Commerce Trade Mission in Iraq; Office of the Spokesman; Washington, DC
-09/23/10  The Internet and the ITU;  Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy Philip L. Verveer; European Institute; Washington, DC
-06/22/10  U.S.-Egypt Commitment to Entrepreneurship;  Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy Philip L. Verveer; American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt Luncheon; Washington, DC
-06/16/10  2010 World Food Prize Laureate Announcement Ceremony;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-06/11/10  Remarks at Broadband Policy Summit VI;  Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy Philip L. Verveer; Washington, DC
-06/09/10  Closing Statement at the Open Skies Review Conference;  Assistant Secretary Rose Gottemoeller, Bureau of Verification, Compliance, and Implementation; Vienna, Austria
-05/25/10  Concluding Joint Statements at the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue ;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Great Hall of the People; Beijing, China
-05/25/10  Joint Press Availability With Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner in Beijing;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Beijing, China
-05/25/10  Remarks at the Closing of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Great Hall of the People ; Beijing, China
-05/25/10  U.S.-China Joint Statement on Energy Security Cooperation; Office of the Spokesman; Washington, DC
-05/25/10  U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue 2010 Outcomes of the Strategic Track; Office of the Spokesman; Washington, DC
-05/23/10  Interview of Secretary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Geithner by Chen Luyu of Phoenix TV;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Beijing, China
-05/23/10  Strategic and Economic Dialogue Opening Session (Complete Remarks);  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Great Hall of the People; Beijing, China
-05/23/10  Strategic and Economic Dialogue Opening Session (Secretary Only);  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Great Hall of the People; Beijing, China
-05/22/10  Remarks During Visit to the Boeing Maintenance Facility at the Shanghai Airport;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Boeing Maintenance Facility, Pudong International Airport; Shanghai, China
-05/21/10  U.S.-China Achievements Go Beyond Expo;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Shanghai, China
-05/19/10  Briefing on the Upcoming U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue;  Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Washington, DC
-05/12/10  The Future of Internet Governance;  Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy Philip L. Verveer; Russian State University of People's Friendship; Moscow, Russia
-05/03/10  Benefits of Biotechnology;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; BIO International Conference; Chicago, IL
-04/26/10  World Intellectual Property Day;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Washington, DC
-04/25/10  Roundtable on Responsible Agricultural Investment;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-04/22/10  Promoting Global Food Security: Next Steps for Congress and the Administration;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Jacob J. Lew; Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC
-04/15/10  Remarks to the Department of State's Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/25/10  Remarks at Women's Business Enterprise National Council Awards Ceremony;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; Washington, DC
-03/10/10  Cross-Border Investment in a Post-Recession World;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; U.S. Council for International Business; Washington, DC
-03/08/10  The World's Women Are Still Left Behind;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Karen Kornbluh; Op-Ed in The Huffington Post; Washington, DC
-01/21/10  Remarks on Internet Freedom;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; The Newseum; Washington, DC
-01/12/10  Remarks on Regional Architecture in Asia: Principles and Priorities ;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Imin Center-Jefferson Hall; Honolulu, Hawaii
-01/12/10  Statement on Google Operations in China;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC

-12/10/09  Remarks to U.S.-China Internet Industry Forum;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; San Francisco, CA
-12/09/09  Strengthening the Transatlantic Economy: Moving Beyond the Crisis;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; Statement Before the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC
-12/09/09  The Secretary's Award for Corporate Excellence 2009 on DipNote;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; Washington, DC
-12/07/09  Opening Remarks to the OECD-UNCTAD Global Forum on International Investment;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Paris, France
-12/03/09  International Innovation and Broadband;  Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy Philip L. Verveer; Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, Federal Communications Bar Association, House of Sweden; Washington, DC
-11/30/09  Remarks At Business Executives for National Security Gala;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Gotham Hall; New York, NY
-11/04/09  Briefing on U.S.-EU Energy Council;  Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy Richard Morningstar; Via Teleconference; Washington, DC
-10/20/09  Remarks at the U.S.-Iraq Business and Investment Conference;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Hyatt Regency; Washington, DC
-10/01/09  Announcement of the 2009 Finalists for the Secretary of State's Award for Corporate Excellence;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; Washington, DC
-09/18/09  Special Briefing on September 17-18 Meeting of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate;  Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern; Washington, DC
-07/28/09  Closing Remarks for U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bureau of Public Affairs; Eisenhower Executive Office Building; Washington, DC
-07/28/09  Joint Press Availability With Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Eisenhower Executive Office Building; Washington, DC
-07/28/09  Remarks at Dinner Hosted by the U.S.-China Business Council and National Committee on U.S.-China Relations;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ritz-Carlton Hotel; Washington, DC
-07/28/09  Signing Ceremony for the U.S.-China Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Cooperation in Climate Change, Energy, and the Environment;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
-07/28/09  Strategic Track Discussion Session II;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-07/27/09  A New Strategic and Economic Dialogue with China;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Op-Ed; The Wall Street Journal
-07/27/09  Briefing on the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue;  Director of the Office of China Affairs David Shear, Bureau of Public Affairs; Via Teleconference; Washington, DC
-07/27/09  Remarks at Plenary Session of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue ;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-07/19/09  Secretary Clinton's Remarks Following Tour of Indian Agriculture Research Institute Research Field;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; New Delhi, India
-07/15/09  Secretary Clinton's Foreign Policy Address at the Council on Foreign Relations;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-06/11/09  Secretary Clinton's Remarks at the 2009 World Food Prize Announcement Ceremony;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-05/08/09  Remarks at the EU Summit "Southern Corridor-New Silk Road"; Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy Richard Morningstar; Prague, Czech Republic
-04/28/09  Special Briefing: Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate; Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs; Washington, DC
-04/27/09  Remarks at the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Loy Henderson Conference Room; Washington, DC
-04/24/09  Intellectual Property and Innovation;  Carrie LaCrosse, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; You Tube Interview; Washington, DC
-02/26/09  Renewables in Southeast Asia;  Jonathan C. Thompson; Renewable Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition (RETECH); Las Vegas, NV
-01/26/09  Food Security for All;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Video Message for the High Level Meeting on Food Security for All; Washington, DC


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