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Outbreak Response Resources

State and territorial health departments can request epidemiologic assistance, water quality assessment, and laboratory testing from CDC during waterborne disease outbreaks.

Collection of large-volume water samples might be required to identify pathogens that require special protocols for their recovery. The EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline can be consulted for information about drinking water rules, guidance, and regulations or to identify state and local laboratories certified for drinking water quality testing.  The US Geological Survey can be consulted for assistance with hydrogeologic investigations of outbreaks when untreated ground water is suspected.

Information intended to help state and local health departments respond to outbreaks associated with diseases related to drinking water:

Drinking Water-associated Outbreak Response Toolkit

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Information intended to help state and local health departments respond to outbreaks of recreational water illnesses (RWIs):

Recreational Water Illness Outbreak Response Toolkit

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Requests for assistance with outbreak investigations (e.g., epidemiologic assistance, water testing, diagnosis of free-living amebas, or molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium and Giardia):

Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch
Division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, CDC
Telephone: 404-639-1700

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Information intended to help healthcare facilities prevent and control norovirus outbreaks

Norovirus Prevention Toolkit

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Requests for diagnostic testing for viral organisms

Division of Viral Diseases
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC
Telephone: 800-232-4636

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Requests for diagnostic testing for enteric bacterial organisms

Enteric Diseases Laboratory Branch
Division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, CDC
Telephone: 404-639-3334

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Requests for testing for parasites

Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria
Center for Global Health, CDC
Telephone: 404-718-4745

You can also access Parasitic Diseases laboratory assistance support through DPDx. DPDx is a Web site developed and maintained by CDC that uses the Internet to assist laboratorians and pathologists in the diagnosis of parasitic diseases, both in the United States and abroad. DPDx has a Reference and Training function, in which all users can browse through concise reviews of parasites and parasitic diseases, including an image library and a review of recommended procedures for collecting, shipping, processing, and examining biologic specimens. There is also a Diagnostic Assistance function, in which laboratorians and other health professionals desiring assistance in parasite identification can ask questions and/or send digital images of specimens for expedited review and consultation with DPD staff. Assistance is free of charge.

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Requests for information or testing for Legionella

Division of Bacterial Diseases
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC
Telephone: 404-639-2215

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Information regarding drinking water and public health


  • Drinking water health communication and education resources for the general public
  • Information on maintaining individual wells and effectively disinfecting water when camping, hiking, or traveling
  • Outbreak investigation toolkit and technical information concerning laboratory diagnostics

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Safe Drinking Water Hotline

Environmental Protection Agency
Telephone: 800-426-4791
Internet: http://www.epa/gov/safewater/

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Microbiological and chemical exposure assessment

Environmental Protection Agency
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division
National Exposure Research Laboratory
Telephone: 513-569-7303

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Information about groundwater sources

Environmental Protection Agency
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division
National Exposure Research Laboratory
Telephone: 513-569-7303

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