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Preparedness Resources

Photo of sandbags holding back flood watersThe Preparedness Resources include website information and training courses on water-related emergency topics such as obtaining safe water, well remediation, septic system remediation, hygiene, and worker safety. This section is intended for use in "all hazards" situations where there is a need for water-related information to assist in waterborne disease and injury prevention activities.

The Preparedness Resources are divided into pages that focus on:

Disaster Preparedness: Before An Event
Resources for emergency preparedness before an event, including links to information on putting together disaster supply kits, proper drinking water storage and purification, and information for professionals on vulnerability assessments and other preparedness activities.
Disaster Preparedness: After An Event
Resources for recovering after an event, including links to information on locating and disinfecting water, inspecting wells and septic tanks, and following proper hygiene and sanitation procedures.
Disaster Preparedness Training (for Health Professionals and First Responders)
Resources for professional training including links to federal and non-federal sites dealing with vulnerability assessments, emergency response exercises, and incident planning.

A single Disaster Preparedness Links page featuring the links found on all three pages within the Disaster Preparedness Toolkit (Before An Event, After An Event, and Disaster Preparedness Training) is also available.


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