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EPA Information Related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)

Top Recovery Projects

Recent Regional Success Stories

  • Region 1 Cleaner Air for Chelsea
  • Region 2 Onondaga County, NY – A National Leader in Sustainable Communities
  • Region 3 How a Post-Industrial Steel Making City got "Back on Track"…
  • Region 4 Dauphin Island Water & Sewer Authority (DIWSA)
  • Region 5 A Home for the Holidays
  • Region 6 Water in the Sky
  • Region 7 $16 Million in Improvements for a Johnson County, Kan., Middle Basin Treatment Plant
  • Region 8 Healing a Rocky Mountain watershed
  • Region 9 Arizona Route 66 Partnership 
  • Region 10 ARRA Funding in the Communities of the Coeur d'Alene River Basin, ID

Region 1

Cleaner Air for Chelsea

With 400 to 500 trucks coming through its gates each day – unloading and loading produce – and dozens of stationary trailers running old refrigeration units 24-7 to store the produce, the New England Produce Center is a significant source of air pollution. The stationary trailers alone, which pre-date EPA emission controls, burn at least three-quarters of a gallon of diesel each hour. It stands to reason that the kind of air pollution could damage the lungs of local children – and we know that more than 1 in every 10 kids here in Massachusetts suffers from asthma, one of the highest state rates in the nation. To reduce diesel emissions here at one of the largest distribution centers in the U.S., EPA put $1.5 million dollars in Recovery Act funding to work – along with funding from the Chelsea Collaborative and the state – to make the air cleaner and this community healthier.  

This money resulted in repowering 98 dirty diesel Transport Refrigeration Unit with all-electric engines that draw power from pedestals to make the refrigeration units run on electricity rather than diesel fuel.  Additionally, in the Fall of 2011 a facility just outside the distribution center was granted another $280,000 to reduce diesel emissions. 

EPA’s 2011 grant will repower the diesel TRUs on 11 trucks owned by Don Shapiro Produce.  The new all-electric TRU engines will be powered by onboard electric generation/battery storage systems when the trucks are out working, and plug in to on-dock electrical power at the Don Shapiro Produce facility when they are loading or waiting.

Together, these projects to replace diesel with electric engines will save over 250,000 gallons of fuel per year, making the air workers and neighbors breathe in and around the Produce Center cleaner while saving businesses about $1 million per year in fuel costs.  Building these projects is adding construction and green technology jobs and economic vitality to a community that has seen its fair share of economic hardship in the last few years. Watch the video 3:29

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Region 2

Onondaga County, NY – A National Leader in Sustainable Communities

Savethe Rain syracuse.jpgFor decades, combined sewer overflows during periods of heavy rain sent raw sewage flowing into Onondaga Lake and local waters in Onondaga County. Today, supported by $20 million in American Reinvestment and Recovery Act funds, Onondaga County is recognized as a national leader in using innovative approaches to storm water management that rely more on nature than concrete.

From a planned green roof on the local convention center that will soak up to a million gallons of rain water, to a hockey rink that will make ice from rain water, to a project to improve a run-down Syracuse neighborhood with porous sidewalks and rain gardens, green infrastructure projects in Onondaga County are proving that economic progress can be made in a sustainable way. Elements of the projects supported by funding from EPA alone are estimated to create well over 200 jobs, and serve as models for future innovation.

Instead of continuing to make "grey" infrastructure investments to deal with the city's storm water management problems, Onondaga County and the city of Syracuse are using green infrastructure to solve the problems at their source. The result will be improved water quality for the entire county, including Onondaga Lake, once dubbed the most polluted lake in the nation. In addition to the public health benefits, improved water quality in local rivers and streams will encourage increased recreational activities such as boating, fishing and swimming. 

Onondaga County Executive Joanie Mahoney recognizes the value of green projects to the economy and to the environment. “Some of the things we are doing (in Onondaga County) have never been done before,” Mahoney was quoted as saying in the Syracuse Post Standard. “The recognition at the federal level — that we are doing things right and that they can learn from us — can smooth the path for us to implement some of the green infrastructure so we can show the rest of the country.”

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Region 3

How a Post-Industrial Steel Making City got "Back on Track"…

Sparking a Come-back in Western PA

The City of Johnstown, tucked in the mountains of western Pennsylvania, holds its place in the nation’s history for several reasons. It was a booming steel town and once devastated by floods.  Then, in 1992, Bethlehem Steel, the major economic industry in Johnstown, closed and left behind high unemployment and empty buildings. Despite these past catastrophes and challenges, the City of Johnstown today holds yet another important place in history. Thanks to the important work of the Johnstown Redevelopment Authority, or “JRA”, the City enjoys a reputation of being one of the most successful in the nation at community-driven revitalization efforts. The following narrative paints a picture of a city that ‘got back on track…’

The JRA was established in 1949 to meet the challenge of reusing the properties that littered the greater Johnstown area. Since 1998, JRA has received several grants from the EPA Brownfields program that have helped them successfully reuse underutilized properties. JRA Program Manager Debbie Walter describes how the Authority has been so successful at revitalization and restoration pursuits. “The most critical part of any revitalization effort is a meeting of the minds on what a community needs.  Every concerned party needs to come to consensus on what are the most urgent needs of a community. Once that is accomplished, having a champion, a public spokesperson that can both represent the effort and push for more support, is key." Walter also points out how essential it is to follow-up acquisition of funding with continued community involvement, noting, “when the project does receive financial support, it's crucial that the excitement about the project is used to build off that success and support the next steps that need to be taken to revitalize a site."

Judging by the JRA’s successes, Walter and the JRA are experts at achieving results. The benefits to this community so far include approximately 500 jobs which have resulted from the cleanup and redevelopment of sites, with another 100 projected. Abandoned, decrepit buildings are converted into functioning buildings and contaminated sites are cleaned up for next step reclamation. Cleanup and subsequent reclamation allow a community to use existing space for economic growth instead of ripping apart existing green spaces. This in turn helps to maintain nearby forested and farm spaces, reduce the creation of impermeable surfaces, and ultimately reduces the risk of flooding.

From technology parks to sports stadiums, the JRA has facilitated a wide range of revitalization success stories with happy endings. Today they are hard at work on the revitalization of the Rosedale and Lower Ore Yard sites, a 35 acre tract adjacent to the Iron Works that has been fully remediated through an EPA Cleanup Grant.  State and Federal funds have been leveraged to create site infrastructure at this inner-city industrial park.  The development of the Rosedale Business Park will complement the Cambria Iron Works businesses, including JWF Industries that has turned a former brownfields into a thriving welding and fabricating business, employing 450 people.  JWF, in partnership with Samuel & Son, occupies the historic Machine Shop, now a state-of-the-art steel plate processing facility.

A unique development at the Cambria Iron Site is the creation of a Fire Training Site, where local firemen can safely train for fire emergencies at a specially designed rescue site.

The JRA’s success has not gone unnoticed. Their expertise has been recognized by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection when JRA's cleanup of the Johnstown Corporation was listed as a "Showcase Brownfield Project" a decade ago. EPA highlighted JRA's work in the EPA report Revitalizing America's Mills - A Report on Brownfields Mill Projects in 2006. Since 2007, the Johnstown region has received over $2.5 million in EPA grant funding, in addition to other public and private funding, to expand on their success at revitalizing significant tracts of land throughout the community. Of this total, $1.36 million were grants funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

The City of Johnstown considers brownfields redevelopment a smart strategy, and the JRA is justifiably proud of their continued success at revitalizing communities, encouraging economic growth, and minimizing urban sprawl.

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Region 4

Dauphin Island Water & Sewer Authority (DIWSA)

Originally, the Dauphin Island Water & Sewer Authority (DIWSA) relied on ten shallow wells and a package treatment plant to supply potable water to the approximately 2,000 residents of the island (peaking at twice as many people due to tourism).  The system provided adequate water quality but salt water intrusion, corrosion, and system demands were challenging its capacity. Through Recovery Act funding, the Dauphin Island Water & Sewer Authority received almost $7 million dollars to address this issue.

The project consisted of the development of a new raw water production deep well, reverse osmosis treatment facility, SCADA system, laboratory and office building, raw water transmission main, distribution water main, and stand-by emergency generators.  Additional construction consisted of a one million gallon water storage tank and necessary appurtenances.

Due to the “green” attributes of the project, the DIWSA was recognized with an EPA SRF Program 2010 Award for Sustainable Public Health Protection.  One of the “green” attributes was the use of a new low pressure reverse osmosis (RO) process of brackish water which reduced the amount of energy required to process the water by 88%, reducing estimated annual costs for salt water desalination from to $208,000 to $26,000 for RO.  Additionally, the facility is now LEED certified and will seek Silver LEED designation.  Finally, DISWA will use green infrastructure to manage stormwater at the facility.

After the project, water production went from 650,000 gallons per day to 1.3 million gallons per day, doubling the town’s potable water production capacity, and significantly improving the quality of the potable water and according to most, tasting better.  This project greatly impacted a community hit by both Hurricane Katrina and Deep Horizon Gulf Oil Spill.

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Region 5

A Home for the Holidays

In December 2011, for the first time in many years, twenty-four formerly homeless, disabled veterans celebrated the holidays in their own homes at Lucas Place II, Evansville, Indiana.   The brand new 27-unit apartment complex was built by Evansville nonprofit ECHO Housing Corp. on formerly lead and arsenic contaminated land recently cleaned up by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Superfund program.  The first residents moved in December 1, 2011.

“This is their home.  It’s so different from transitional housing.  All our residents put up Christmas trees and wreaths,” said Stephanie TenBarge, executive director of ECHO Housing. 

EPA has been cleaning up contaminated residential properties in the Jacobsville neighborhood of Evansville since 2007.  In 2009, the agency received $5 million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to accelerate the cleanup of 263 properties, including two vacant lots that became the site of Lucas Place II.   TenBarge said the entire veterans’ housing project was made possible by the fast track cleanup of those two lots.  Once the lots were cleaned up, the nonprofit was able to apply for funding to build housing on the site. 

“It was all made possible because of the remediation,” she added.  “The fact that these lots were among the first in the area to be cleaned up enabled us to get the needed environmental reviews.  With lead contamination hanging over us we would not have received funding for housing.”

TenBarge said that Vanderburgh County, Indiana, where Evansville is located, has the highest homeless population in the state per capita and a third of those are homeless veterans.

ECHO Housing Corp. provides supportive services to Lucas Place II residents on site.  

“The veterans remain housed because of the supportive services,” TenBarge said.  “It’s the wave of the future.”

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Region 6

Water in the Sky

The Pueblo of Acoma, "Sky City," has improved access to vital water services using more than $980,000 from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  By replacing a faulty water supply line and installing waterless toilets, the Pueblo has improved public health, increased water conservation and reinvigorated its tourist traffic.  The projects created 24 jobs, half of which were filled by Acoma residents.


The waterline project replaced outdated and failing water system components within an entire village of Acoma.  The nearby village of Canada received new water mains, laterals, hydrants, and other apparatus as a result of this project, which significantly enhanced water quality and delivery dependability.  The waterless toilet pilot project is demonstrating that a modern, environmentally-friendly and totally self-sufficient off-grid restroom facility can be used in a place where culture and traditions are still being practiced as they were thousands of years ago.

"The new water line and toilets have improved living conditions, enhanced environmental protection, and accelerated the Pueblo's economy," Arvind Patel, Acoma Pueblo Water and Wastewater Director said.  "This investment helps the Pueblo maintain its ancient site and culture, and share its legacy with the world."

These projects continue a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Indian Health Service 20-year tradition of improving water services in Indian Country.  Other funding provided to the Pueblo has helped provide watershed management data, develop geographic information systems, address illegal waste dumping, reintroduce traditional building methods and strengthen environmental programs, among other projects.

Acoma Pueblo is built atop a sheer-walled, 367-foot sandstone bluff in a valley studded with sacred, towering monoliths.  Acoma has earned the reputation as the oldest continuously inhabited community in North America -- since at least 1150 A.D.  The mesa-top settlement is known worldwide for its unique art and rich culture.  

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Region 7

$16 Million in Improvements for a Johnson County, Kan., Middle Basin Treatment Plant

This was the largest “green infrastructure” project in the state of Kansas was funded by Recovery Act funds with improvements to Johnson County’s Douglas L. Smith Middle Basin Treatment Plant.  These improvements included the construction of a new anaerobic digester, a fats, oils and greases (FOG) station to more efficiently receive and treat used greases and oils from restaurants and industries and a cogenerations system to produce virtually all the plant’s annual operating energy from captured biogases.

According to estimates, the wastewater treatment plant improvement project is expected to create 270 new green jobs, result in almost $600,000 in annual cost savings for Johnson County wastewater utility ratepayers, and reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 9,700 metric tons.

“From a community point of view, this funding did save a lot of money for everyone involved.  It saves our community money because the project allows us to be more self-sufficient”, said Susan Pekarek, treatment project engineer at Johnson County Waste Water. “Through this project we are able to take our own waste and use it in our own digester to be turned into fuel.  We’re producing more of our own power through this system and so it’s reducing our carbon footprint because we’re purchasing less power, which is good for everyone.  Economically it helps us as well. In the past we’ve purchased about a million dollars worth of power, but because of this project we’re projecting to save about $350,000 a year.”

Michelle Black, from Kansas Department of Health and Environment, was charged with keeping track of the number of jobs created. She says 124 jobs have been created thus far since the project began.

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Region 8

Healing a Rocky Mountain watershed

Atop the high alpine tundra of the Colorado Rockies sits an engineering marvel and a new future for the Alamosa River watershed.    Here, at 11,500 feet, EPA Recovery Act funds provided $17 million for a new plant to treat acid mine drainage from the Summitville mine, a Superfund site that remains one of the most notorious examples of mining contamination in U.S. history. 

The Summitville mine previously contributed massive volumes of copper and other heavy metals to the Wightman Fork and Alamosa River in the San Juan Mountains, rendering much of the watershed essentially lifeless.  While EPA and partners have been taking steps to remove and contain contamination since 1992, the treatment facility is a much-needed long-term solution that will capture and prevent mine drainage from impacting downstream waters.   The engineering and operational challenges that have been overcome are impressive given the site’s remote alpine location and the technical complexities of the treatment facility.   One especially innovative feature is the hydro-electric generation system that captures rain and snowmelt to power the treatment plant.

The plant’s operation is the beginning of a new chapter of hope for the watershed.  The investment will secure the long-term restoration of the entire Alamosa River system.  Communities along the river will enjoy improved water quality and a restored ecosystem that supports fish and aquatic life.  Water in the Alamosa River is used for livestock watering, agricultural irrigation and wildlife habitat.  Downstream beneficiaries of the project include agricultural producers, recreational users and several environmental justice communities.  

This investment is the capstone on an environmental cleanup project spanning nearly two decades and is a big step forward in restoring an entire watershed in southern Colorado. 

“I want to thank the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for providing funding to complete the new water treatment plant at Summitville,” said Chris Urbina, executive director and chief medical officer of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment at a press conference in September 2011. “This project provided more than a 100 construction jobs in this area, and significantly improved water quality, restoring fish and aquatic life to the Alamosa River and Terrace Reservoir.”

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Region 9

Cover green station.jpgArizona Route 66 Partnership 

The Route 66 Partnership is a network of local, state, and federal agencies that help communities identify resources to assess, cleanup, and redevelop leaking underground storage tank (LUST) sites, abandoned gas stations, and other underutilized sites along Route 66 in Arizona. EPA Region 9 initiated the partnership in 2004 and it has cleaned up over 40 of the 100 LUST sites along Route 66 using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Brownfields, and LUST funds from EPA as well as other state funding sources.

Established in 1926, Route 66 operated as the country's main east-west artery connecting Chicago and Los Angeles and everything in between with over 2,000 miles of continuously paved roadway. Motels and diners sprang up to cater to travelers. Gas stations became the new icon for America's increasingly mobile society.

pg1 - Two Men.JPGWith the development of the nationwide interstate system, divided highways bypassed nearly all segments of Route 66 and in 1986, it was officially decommissioned. As traffic moved to neighboring interstates, communities along Route 66 experienced economic and environmental hardships. With fewer travelers, many businesses closed, leaving behind neglected, abandoned properties, including hundreds gas stations with underground storage tanks.

The City of Flagstaff, the Hualapai tribe, and the Historic Route 66 Association are some of the local organizations that have benefited from this partnership.

“While many communities across the country are cutting their budgets, we’ve decided that some things are really important in the city of Flagstaff and that includes our environmental services [and] our business development and retention efforts,” said Sara Presler, Mayor of Flagstaff, Arizona. “We’re growing in these areas because they are the future for economic development.” Watch the video

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Region 10

ARRA Funding in Kingston, ID

For years, the Central Shoshone County Water District's community well, located near Kingston, Idaho, was prone to flooding and surface water intrusion. This flooding was threatening water quality in area communities.

Thanks to recovery act funding, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), was able to provide $12.2 million in funding that has helped pay for the construction of a state of the art drinking water filtration plant serving that serves nearly 6,000 customers in the communities of Kellogg, Enaville, Page, Smelterville, Wardner and Osburn. While the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has found no confirmed cases of parasites in the water system, the Department says the risk is growing in the northwest region and the filtration plant is an important preventative measure to protect people's health. Not only did the project help ensure clean water, it created jobs in the community. Additionally, the treatment facility was designed to use water efficiently, which saves money for both the District and its ratepayers.

In this same watershed, the Coeur d'Alene River Basin, was a very rich and productive silver and lead mining and smelting district known as the "Silver Valley." Due to historic practices, area soil, groundwater, air, and the river system itself were heavily contaminated with lead, arsenic, zinc, and cadmium. The most heavily contaminated reaches of local rivers cannot support fish or other aquatic life and the nearby contaminated wetlands cause migratory waterfowl die-offs each year.

Since the 1970s, children in the vicinity registered dangerously high levels of lead in their blood due to exposure to lead contaminated soil in the community. In fact, as cleanup started in the early 1980's, area children recorded the highest blood lead levels ever seen.

EPA and the State of Idaho are working together to reduce lead exposure risks in the Basin through targeted cleanup of residential properties where the most vulnerable children or pregnant women live. Thanks to an ARRA investment of $16.8 million, 478 contaminated properties (over 5 million square feet) in the Basin were cleaned up on an accelerted schedule -- several years early -- which directly benefitted young children at a critical time in their development. Another benefit of this financial boost: 225 living-wage, local-hire jobs were either created or retained in a community dealing with persistent high unemployment. Watch the video 4:17

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Vice President Biden's Top EPA ARRA Projects

Lead and Arsenic Cleanup – Evansville, Indiana – $6.6 million

The Recovery Act provided $6.6 million to an ongoing lead and arsenic cleanup project covering more than 300 residential yards in the Jacobsville Neighborhood of Evansville, Indiana and creating over 25 jobs.  Due to the Recovery Act funding, the proposed cleanup is now on an accelerated schedule and has created and saved jobs. The site in this neighborhood is about 250 acres or 45 city blocks. It houses both residential and commercial properties. It was formerly used by several lead manufacturing companies.

Improvements to Wastewater Treatment Plant – Batesville, Arkansas – $10 million

The city of Batesville is using $10 million of Recovery Act funds to replace the existing wastewater mains to the treatment facility with a 3,100 linear foot gravity sewer. The project will provide effective wastewater treatment and will save 62 percent of energy, or about 700,000 kW hours/year, over the minimum 40 year life of the tunnel. Meanwhile, the project has also created over 40 jobs. This two phase project which began in February, 2010 continues on schedule.

Acceleration of Hazardous Waste Cleanup – Waukegan, Illinois – $18.5 million

More than $18.5 million in Recovery Act funding is accelerating hazardous waste clean-up actions already underway at the Outboard Marine Corp (OMC) site that may have otherwise taken a decade to complete. Funding also allowed for the demolition of an abandoned, 625,000 sq. ft. PCB-contaminated facility as well as removal of PCB-contaminated soil and sediment. The cleanup efforts have put more than 40 people to work, and will leave a 60-acre lakefront parcel pristine enough to be targeted for residential redevelopment.

Creating Jobs, Saving Money and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Johnson County, Kan. - $18 million

Local, state and federal officials broke ground May 18, 2009 at the largest green infrastructure project in the State of Kansas to be funded by the Recovery Act – an $18 million series of improvements to Johnson County’s Douglas L. Smith Middle Basin Treatment Plant.  The project is expected to create or retain 270 jobs, result in almost $600,000 in annual costs savings for utility rate payers and reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 9,700 metric tons. Improvements include construction of a new anaerobic digester, a fats, oils and grease station to more efficiently treat greases and oils from restaurants and industries, and a cogeneration system to produce virtually all of the plant’s annual operating energy from captured biogases. The project is expected to be completed by March 2011.

Large-Scale Clean Up of Radiologically Contaminated Soil - Camden, N.J. - $28 million

The Welsbach/General Gas Mantle Contamination site received Recovery Act funding in fiscal year 2009 for both Remedial Design and Remedial Action activities, totaling $28 million. Of the $28 million, $22 million were allotted to fund a remedial action at this site used to clean up the radiologically contaminated soils around the former General Gas Mantle facility in Camden. Nearly 20,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil have been excavated from the General Gas Mantle area as of June 2010, putting more than 50 people to work.  Demolition of that facility occurred in July, with large-scale excavation beginning in August. The Region also received $6 million in Recovery Act funds to be used for remedial design activities associated with the remainder of construction work necessary at the overall Welsbach & General Gas Mantle site. These funds will be expended by December 2010.

Cleaning Up Contaminated Soil – Cherokee County, Kansas- $14.6 million 

The Recovery Act funding for the Cherokee County site will aid in the remediation of non-residential mining wastes. The work will address approximately 683,000 cubic yards of wastes located on 119 acres. The Recovery Act funding allowed EPA to initiate and fund two years of a three year cleanup at the two Badger and Lawton subsites. Approximately 224,000 cubic yards of wastes have been remediated as of June 2010. The cleanup is continuing and there are approximately 50 people working on the project. 

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EPA ARRA Projects Making National News

Enabling Green Technology in Durham’s City Fleet Exit EPA Disclaimer (Environmental Expert 4/27)
The Southern Research Institute in Durham, North Carolina won a $1 million grant through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) from the EPA to help reduce emissions from the city’s fleet of vehicles and equipment. 

Billings Diesel, Maine Boatyards, Atmosphere Reap Benefits from Federal Clean Air Funds Exit EPA Disclaimer (Fenceviewer 4/14)
The Gulf Challenger marked the 14th boat to be repowered with low-emissions diesel engines under the EPA’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act.  Through this program, 50 percent of the upgrading cost was funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  The Gulf Challenger is a research vessel for University of New Hampshire.

Solar System Helps Groundwater Exit EPA Disclaimer (Biofuelswatch.com 3/8)
EPA has recently completed a solar energy system in Davis, California. This new energy system, paid for in part by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, is now powering this Superfund site. This new system has expedited the cleanup by about 120 years (as compared to power from the traditional source).

EPA Looks to the Heavens to Help Clean Up Davis Brownfield Site Exit EPA Disclaimer (Central Valley Business Times 2/23)
Recent improvements to the Frontier Fertilizer Superfund Site have shortened the cleanup timeline significantly. New solar panels will lower the energy costs at the site by $15,000 a year. Over $2.5 million in ARRA funds have gone into the cleanup of the site and for the first time, 100 percent of the power for the treatment center will be solar powered.

Groundbreaking Ceremony on the Tule River Reservation for $8.1 Million Stimulus Project Exit EPA Disclaimer (Central Valley Business Times 2/18)
Recently, the US EPA and the Indian Health Service participated in a groundbreaking ceremony on the Tule River Reservation for a Tribal wastewater infrastructure project. This project in Tule River Reservation in California will create 6.9 miles of pipeline and serve 268 homes in the area. EPA is contributing $6.3 million in funds for this project, set for completion in 2012.

Brownfields Grads Get Ready to Go Green Exit EPA Disclaimer (Canton Repository 2/11)
Around 25 local residents of Canton, Ohio recently acquired training as environmental technicians, qualifying them for brownfields cleanup work. The training was funded by a grant from the Recovery Act through EPA. Many of the individuals who completed this training were middle aged adults who, as a result, have a greater chance of securing higher paying employment in the field of environmental cleanup.

Weatherization Jobs Available in KC Exit EPA Disclaimer (KCTV News 5 2/12)
EPA and the American Recovery Act are funding a 3 year program to train unemployed residents of the Kansas City metro area for careers in energy conservation and environmental remediation. The program has already trained 49 people in the area and has assisted 36 to full employment.

Reservation to Break Ground on Wastewater Plant Exit EPA Disclaimer (The Porterville Recorder 2/16)
Construction is scheduled to start February 18, 2011 on a new Tule River Tribe's wastewater treatment plant. The plant will service about 268 homes on the reservation and a large portion on the plant, $6.3 million, will be funded by EPA through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Environmentally Friendly Wastewater and Water Reclamation Project Celebrates One Year of Construction Exit EPA Disclaimer (Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal (2/3)
After breaking ground 1 year ago, the Belfair Wastewater and Water Reclamation Facilities Project is 70% complete and expected to be online by the end of the year. The two facilities will help protect the environment and keep prices of municipal water low. The project has received more than $30 million in grants from the Washington State Departments of Ecology and Commerce, the US EPA, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

New Instruments at UBuffalo Will Help Scientists Map Tumor Surfaces, Study Environmental Impact of Quantum Dots Exit EPA Disclaimer (Nanowerk.com 2/10)
Funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is funding the purchase of two high-powered spectrometers for scientists at the University of Buffalo. The two pieces of equipment total over $2 million and will facilitate new experiments on a range of fields including public health. EPA has given the research team a $400,000 grant to use the equipment to investigate environmental dangers.

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Planet Montclair: 'A Little Help from Our Friends' Exit EPA Disclaimer (Northjersey.com 2/3)
The township of Montclair in New Jersey has taken advantage of federal programs aimed at reducing energy use. Through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, the township was granted an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant totaling $155,000. Because of the energy saving strides Montclair has taken, the US EPA awarded the township with a "Climate Showcase Communities" award.

Notre Dame College in South Euclid Receives Grant Money to Renovate Five Campus Buildings Exit EPA Disclaimer (Sun News 1/29)
The Cuyahoga county Department of Development has award the campus of Notre Dame College in Ohio $200,000 for renovations. Renovations on the five buildings, including the Administration Building, will be completed this summer and are, in large part, funded by a sub-grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act US EPA Brownfield Program.

The President's Plan for Electric Vehicles Exit EPA Disclaimer (Switchboard- NRDC Blog 1/26)
This post analyzes the near future of plug-in vehicles including the automotive advancements made by A123, who received assistance from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and opened the largest lithium ion automotive battery manufacturing plant in Livonia, Michigan.

Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: January 26, 2011 Exit EPA Disclaimer (Sustainable Business 1/26)
As of November, 2010 more than 300,000 low-income homes have been weatherized with ARRA funds. This marks the halfway point of President Obama's goal of 600,000 weatherized homes under the Recovery Act. By weatherizing low-income homes, the program is helping low income families save money on energy bills by upgrading homes in areas like insulation and air sealing.

City Seeking Millions in Grant FundsExit EPA Disclaimer (Colfax Record 1/13)
The city of Colfax, California is applying for funding of upwards of $6 million in both federal and state funds to repair the lining of a leaky sewage storage pond.  While Colfax is waiting to be approved for much of this funding, the city has $600,000 available from an approved EPA grant.

Coshocton County Waterline Project SetExit EPA Disclaimer (Coshocton Tribune 1/6/11)
Coshocton County received about $3 million in ARRA funds to a sanitary sewer system to about 50 households in the area.  This project, which took over five years to complete looks to become operational early next week.  Additionally, Coshocton County is prepared to go forward on a plan that would build a waterline parallel with County Road 495, which would service about 70 homes and businesses in the area as well as open up possibility for future expansion.

Stimulus Saves Existing Jobs, But Doesn’t Create New OnesExit EPA Disclaimer (Highlands Today 12/26)
This article outlines how Highlands County has used the $25 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding over the past two fiscal years.  EPA provided funds for the city of Sebring to construct a water line that was designed to alleviate existing health concerns.

$1 Million in Stimulus Funds and U.S. EPA funding to Cross Sound Ferry to Reduce Emissions from Diesel EnginesExit EPA Disclaimer (West Hartford News 12/23)
Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. has been awarded $1 million in ARRA funds and EPA grants to help cut emissions from the diesel engines on one of its ferries, the MV Susan Anne.  The Cross Sound Ferry Service already decreases air pollution around the Long Island Sound by ferrying an average of 166 vehicles across the Sound every day.

Diamond Bar Community NewsExit EPA Disclaimer (SGV Tribune 12/22)
Residents of Diamond Bar can get two free compact fluorescent lamps as part of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant given to the city of Diamond Bar from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Stimulus Funds West Sacramento CleanupExit EPA Disclaimer (Sacramento Business Journal 12/16)
West Sacramento has been awarded over $200,000 of ARRA funds for the cleanup of petroleum-related contamination.  Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, EPA has provided millions of dollars for similar grants for hazardous clean up using green technology across the state of California. 

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EPA’s Superfund Program (CERCLA) Celebrates 30th Anniversary Exit EPA Disclaimer (CoalGeology.com 12/14)
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) celebrates its 30th anniversary as a program that has protected thousands of communities from hazardous waste sites.  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has infused the program with over $600 million which has resulted in the acceleration of 31 ongoing construction projects and enabled new construction at 26 Superfund sites.

Piedmont Hydro Technologies Commissions Energy Recovery System for Ohio Water Pollution Control Facility Exit EPA Disclaimer (Hydroworld.com 12/6)
Piedmont Hydro Technologies LLC in Greensboro, North Carolina has announced that it has commissioned equipment for a new wastewater recovery system in Warren, Ohio.  The project will be funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act through the Ohio EPA Water Pollution Control Loan Fund.

EPA Announces Waterline Completion at GMH Electronics Site in Person County, NC Exit EPA Disclaimer (WebWireNews.com 12/4)
This Project will bring clean drinking water to over 40 homes in Person County.  In 2007, EPA determined that the contamination site was resulting in drinking water that exceeded EPA’s acceptable level.  The site was placed under the Superfund project and its completion was due in part from money received from ARRA.

The EPA Turns 40 Exit EPA Disclaimer (The Wall Street Journal 12/2)
This Op-Ed by EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson lists the many positive things the EPA has accomplished over its forty year history.  Using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, EPA has made significant investments in water infrastructure, clean-diesel innovation and other projects around the country to create jobs and create a sustainable future.

MDEQ Helps Clean Air Exit EPA Disclaimer (TheDemocrat.com 12/1)
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) has begun installation of Diesel Oxidation Catalysts for the Tate County School District.  These catalysts will reduce particulate matter by 40 percent, hydrocarbon by 70 percent and carbon monoxide by 40 percent.  A combination of EPA and ARRA grants will fund this installation project.

Slag Clean Up at Kokomo Site Completed Exit EPA Disclaimer (AmericanRecycler.com 12/1)
EPA has announced that cleanup at the former slag processing plant in Kokomo, Indiana has been completed.  The Superfund site was completed two years ahead of schedule due to additional $5.9 million in ARRA grants.

Program Seeks to Cut Energy Costs Exit EPA Disclaimer (The Durham News 11/24)
Durham’s Neighborhood Energy Retrofit Program is seeking to make homes in the city of Durham more energy efficient.  By sealing air leaks in heating and air conditioning ductwork, installing programmable thermostats and better insulating homes, the city is helping its citizens save money and reduce their environmental footprint.  The Neighborhood Energy Retrofit Program hopes to retrofit 700 homes by the end of 2011.  The program is funded by grants from the Environmental Protection Agency and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Springfield Site Lands $168K for Cleanup Exit EPA Disclaimer (Dayton Business Journal 11/12)
A historic site in Springfield, Ohio will receive $168,000 for asbestos cleanup. Ohio was granted $1.8 million for Brownfield revitalization efforts. The Ohio Department of Development then allots up to $200,000 from the Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund to local projects that go to the revitalization of communities.

On Time and Under Budget Exit EPA Disclaimer (The Sun Chronicle 11/9/10)
In Mansfield, Massachusetts the hazardous waste cleanup project at a former wood treatment plant has been completed several million dollars under budget. The cleanup of the Superfund site was funded by the EPA through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The $7 million dollar surplus for the cleanup will go back into the Superfund program to be used on other projects.

Final Phase of Cleanup Completed at Havertown Superfund Site Thanks to Recovery Act Funding Exit EPA Disclaimer (Media Newswire 11/3/10)
EPA has completed construction on the final phase of the PCE Superfund site in Haverford Pennsylvania. ARRA funds contributed for $3.2 million of the costs of this phase of the construction. Projects included in this phase is excavating contaminated soil, installing groundwater extraction wells, and installing in-situ flushing system which is used to treat any contaminated groundwater.

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EPA to Solicit Grants for $60 million in FY 2011 Clean Diesel Funds Exit EPA Disclaimer (School Transportation News 11/1/10)
EPA is planning to announce that $60 million will be available next year for the National Clean Diesel Campaign. School buses around the country have most benefited from this campaign. Over $120 million of ARRA money went to replacing, retrofitting, and repowering school buses over the 2009 and 2010 fiscal years.

Tax Credit Pays You to Be Energy Wise Exit EPA Disclaimer (Palm Beach Post 10/31/10)
This is a personal interest story following Elsy Shallman who took advantage of $1,500 dollar tax credit offered by the American Recovery and Reinvestment act. The ARRA tax credit can be applied to many energy efficient home improvements.

Company Seeks Brownfield Designation Exit EPA Disclaimer (Tamba Bay Online 10/30/10)
In Dade City, Florida a Biodiesel company, Agri-Source Fuels LLC, is looking to the EPA to get a Brownfield designation that would cover their 150 acre business center. This designation would make the site eligible for ARRA grants to help fund cleanup and redevelopment of the polluted site.

Stimulating ‘Conservation’Exit EPA Disclaimer (The Times Herald 10/8)
Universities and community colleges across the country are using ARRA funds to support training programs for green jobs by offering programs in fields related to energy use and developing alternative fuel sources.  These programs offer a way for career professionals like Gene Bartholomew of Connecticut to gain credentials that make him more marketable as industries “go green.”

HousingKitsap kicks off Brownfields groundbreaking ceremony Exit EPA Disclaimer (Kitsap Penisula Business Journal 10/7)
A contract for $150,000 of ARRA funds has been signed to resume a Brownfields project in Port Orchard, Washington.  The site cleanup began in 2007 and the project exceeded original cost estimates as the site exhausted EPA grant money.  The $150,000 of ARRA funds will complete the original project and remove the remaining sources of contamination.

Funding for county river project swells to $7.2 million: EPA adds $2 million to stimulus funds being used to improve Milwaukee River Exit EPA Disclaimer (Ozaukee Press 10/6)  
The Ozaukee County Board accepted an additional $2 million in funding from the EPA for the river restoration of the Milwaukee River.   This is in addition to the $4.7 million National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ARRA stimulus grant Ozaukee County accepted last year.  Officials hope the project will be completed next year.

Americover® Supplies to Subcontractors who are in Compliance with American Recovery Act Exit EPA Disclaimer (3BL Media 10/5)
The Leonardo Academy, a charitable nonprofit organization dedicated to environmental understanding and improvement, has been awarded $600,000 from EPA to reduce emissions from diesel engines.  Leonardo Academy will use the grant for clean diesel projects designed to reduce emission.  This covers a variety of strategies including retrofit technologies, engine emission upgrades, and aerodynamic technologies.  EPA has awarded $156 million in funds through ARRA for the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program.

EPA Superfund prioritization panel role clarified Exit EPA Disclaimer (Reno Gazette-Journal 10/1)
Local officials in Yerington, Nevada have been discussing the Yerington/Anaconda Mine cleanup project.  EPA officials have recommended the mine cleanup project be placed on the EPA’s Superfund list.  If placed on the National Priorities List, the project would be reviewed by the EPA Superfund priority panel and the site could be eligible for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds to aid in the cleanup.

Communities Recover With Army Corps Stimulus Money Exit EPA Disclaimer (New Jersey Today 10/1)
Middlesex County in New Jersey is using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to hire local people to work on hazardous cleanup sites throughout the state.  New Jersey has the highest number of EPA Brownfields sites, and the US Army Corps of Engineers have set to work on cleaning up two of Middlesex’s most contaminated sites: the Cornell-Dubilier Electronics Superfund Site in South Plainfield and the FUSRAP Maywood Superfund Site in Bergen County. The Cornell-Dubilier Site has been recognized by the White House as one the “Top 100 successful stimulus projects”.

Ohio Unveils State’s Largest Rooftop Solar Array Exit EPA Disclaimer (Domesticfuel.com 9/30)
On September 30th, Akron Metro Regional Transit Authority unveiled the largest solar rooftop array in Ohio.  A portion of the $2.5 million new rooftop array, which is found on the RTA bus garages, was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  According to EPA calculations, the solar array will prevent 350 metric tons of CO2 emissions, which is equivalent to almost 40,000 gallons of gasoline.

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Green Water Project Celebrated; Limestone District Re-voted Exit EPA Disclaimer (Leesburg Today 9/30)
Loudoun County in Virginia is taking a step toward its goals of “going green” by marking the completion of two water reclamation projects.  The two projects are aimed at reducing demand for drinkning water as well as cutting usage cost of both energy and water.  Loudoun Water was rewarded with almost $1.7 million in ARRA funds for reclamation projects with the goal of having 30% of reclaimed water reused by 2015.

New EPA Rules Will Cost More than 800,000 Jobs Exit EPA Disclaimer (OpposingViews.com 9/29)
The article contends that new EPA rules that set new standards for both industrial and commercial boilers could cost 800,000 jobs.  The article also asserts that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act have wiped out American jobs by replacing them with foreign green jobs.

Recovery Act funded green roof showcased by EPA, DC Exit EPA Disclaimer (Waterworld.com 9/29)
The third largest green roof project in Washington, DC was completed on September 29, 2010.  The $1.1 million project atop the World Wildlife Fund was funded by the EPA through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and is one of 22 such projects in the District.  The 27,750 square-foot green roof will reduce runoff and has several benefits to the urban environment.  One advantage of green roofs are rooftop gardens or vegetative layer grown on a rooftop reduce the temperature of the building, which in turn, cuts energy use in the building by lowering air conditioning use.

Missouri site on Superfund list: Well water tainted by shuttered plant. Exit EPA Disclaimer (Columbia Daily Tribune 9/28)
EPA has placed Vienna, a small town in south-central Missouri, on the Superfund National Priorities List over concerns about a chemical found in the local drinking water supply.  $1.1 million in ARRA funds will help pay for a new $2.8 million water treatment plant expected to be built next year.  Shon Westart is the water superintendent in Vienna is happy that EPA is taking action.  “I think they’re paying attention to us, so it’s a good thing they’re concerned about it,” Westart said.

NACWA Urges Obama Administration To Include Clean Water Funding In Economic Stimulus Proposals Exit EPA Disclaimer (Wateronline.com 9/23)
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies sent a letter to President Barack Obama on September 9th both commending his Administration for the support of clean water programs and urging him to include clean water funding into any proposed infrastructure package.  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act increased funding for clean water programs across the country.  EPA estimates that around $300 billion over the next 20 years for wastewater and stormwater compliance with the Clean Water Act.   Many studies have shown that investment into water infrastructure creates new jobs as well as an economic ripple effect that pays significant dividends to the economy.

Connecticut begins assessment and cleanup of leaking underground storage tank sites with funding received from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Exit EPA Disclaimer (Samford Plus 9/23)
The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has begun the assessment and cleanup operation at seven leaking underground storage sites throughout the state of Connecticut.  EPA has granted the Connecticut DEP $2 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for this project. These seven sites have been chosen because the responsible party is unknown or unable to pay.

Assessment And Clean Up Of Underground Tanks Exit EPA Disclaimer (Corporate Connecticut Magazine 9/22)
EPA has granted the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection $2 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the assessment and cleanup operations at seven leaking underground storage sites throughout Connecticut.   The funds will go toward identifying, assessing, and cleaning up federally regulated leaking storage tank sites.  These seven sites have been chosen because the responsible party is unknown or unable to pay.

More Clean Up Work Planned for Former Port Orchard Fire Station Site Exit EPA Disclaimer (Kitsap Sun 9/21)
ARRA funds will be used to complete the cleanup of a Brownfields site in Port Orchard, Washington.  Cleanup began in 2007 and the project exceeded original cost estimates as the site exhausted EPA grant money.  The Port Orchard site is eligible to receive $150,000 of ARRA funds to remove the remaining sources of contamination.  Eventually there is hopes to eventually build more senior housing on this location, but the agency won’t be able to fund construction until the economy improves, said Casey Pleskun, project director. He estimates the senior housing project could start in two to five years.

Brownfields Site Cleanup to Resume Exit EPA Disclaimer (Port Orchard Independent 9/20)
ARRA funds will be used to complete the cleanup of a Brownfields site in Port Orchard, Washington.  Cleanup began in 2007 and the project exceeded original cost estimates as the site exhausted EPA grant money.  The Port Orchard site is eligible to receive $150,000 of ARRA funds to remove the remaining sources of contamination.  The site recommenced the cleanup efforts the week of September 20, 2010.

Fact Sheet: U.S. Climate Action in 2009-2010 Exit EPA Disclaimer (World Resource Institute 9/20)
This is just a summary of the World Resources Institute’s US Climate Change Fact Sheet 2009-2010.  The fact sheet reviews the steps taken by EPA and DOE through stimulus funding and other policies over the past year.

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Research Gets a Boost, Stimulus Pays for New Facility Exit EPA Disclaimer (Columbia Daily Tribune 9/17)
Federal Stimulus money will go toward improving the US Geological Survey’s Columbia Environmental Research Center.  The center will receive $10.7 million from ARRA and a new 23,800 square-foot research facility as well as improvements to the existing research facilities.  The new facility will help biologist Nile Kemble in his research with is done in partnership with the EPA’s Natural Damage Assessment program.

Americans complain about boastful stimulus signs: 40% of taxpayer concerns target publicity campaign for administration program Exit EPA Disclaimer (WorldNetDaily.com 9/17)
The Obama administration is unable to provide Congress with a reliable calculation of how much taxpayer money has been spent on posting stimulus signs.  No agency has been able to give a precise accounting on ARRA signs.  AA Craig Hooks is quoted as saying "the agency [the EPA] does not possess such information."

Taxpayers Paid At Least $9 Million for Signs Promoting Obama's Economic Stimulus Exit EPA Disclaimer (Newsbusters.org 9/17)
Government agencies have spent over $9 million on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act signs.  No agency has been able to provide an adequate record to account for the money spent on signs.  While most agencies insist that money spent on signs is but a very small fraction of the overall total of ARRA funds, Republicans are trying to argue that the signs amount to taxpayer-subsidized propaganda.

Kentucky School Districts Use Stimulus Funds to Purchase Hybrid School Buses Exit EPA Disclaimer  (School Transportation News 9/17)
Almost $13 million of ARRA funds have been awarded to the state of Kentucky to replace 200 of the oldest school buses in the state over the course of the next year.  The new buses will be powered by an EPA compliant diesel hybrid engine produced by Cummins. 

How much did government agencies spend on stimulus ‘propaganda’? They’re not sure Exit EPA Disclaimer (Daily Caller 9/16)
The article criticizes EPA for not being able to account for how much money was spent on ARRA signs on sites across the country.  Craig Hooks provided a survey of 9 project sites and said that because the signs were not a separate line item, the exact amount EPA spent on ARRA signs could not be measured.

Sewage is Complicated, L-burg Councilman Says Exit EPA Disclaimer (Marshall County Tribune 9/11)
The city of Lewisberg, Tennessee has fought for decades with sewage problems that result in groundwater seeping into sewage pipes and overloading the water treatment facilities.  The city is eligible to receive a loan using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act money through the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.  The ARRA funds would go towards updating the sewage system in the city of Lewisberg so that they would be in compliance with the Clean Water Act of 1972 and its subsequent amendments.

Lincoln Poised to Grow East Exit EPA Disclaimer (Omaha World Herald 9/11)
The city of Lincoln, Nebraska is using federal stimulus money, provided through the EPA, to build a new sanitary sewer system that will breach a 15 mile long ridge which has acted as a natural border to the city.  Stimulus grants and loans provided $2.5 million toward the project, while the remainder of the project will be financed through a state revolving loan and sewer utility revenues. The stimulus funding is part of $39 million distributed to Nebraska for drinking water and waste-water projects.

EPA Required Promotional Signs at All Stimulus-Funded Projects Exit EPA Disclaimer (CNSNews.com 9/9)
The EPA required that all contractors that have been funded with money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act post signs informing the public that the site is funded with ARRA money.

Green Collars--Where are the Jobs? Exit EPA Disclaimer (Renewableenergyworld.com 9/7) 
Despite the intentions of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act in 2009 to create new “green” jobs and combat inflation, the qualifications of what makes a “green” job is vague and unemployment is still high.  Many government agencies and individual corporations have their own definition of what makes a job green collar.  This article points out many of the problems that have been encountered with ARRA funding and green jobs, but offers no tangible solution on how to fix them. 

Chelsea Produce Market gets stimulus funds Exit EPA Disclaimer (Boston.com 9/7)
The Chelsea Produce Market is one of the largest fruit and vegetable distribution centers in the country will be benefiting from over $1.56 million in ARRA funding via the Chelsea Collaborative.  The ARRA funding go towards replacing cold storage trailers that currently run on diesel fuel with electrical repowering units.  EPA also awarded the Chelsea Collaborative $367,000 to help reduce diesel emissions in Chelsea city vehicles.

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Free Training Program to Stimulate CA Green Job Market Exit EPA Disclaimer (MSNBC.msn.com 9/3)
ARRA funds are going toward conducting a free, energy auditing training program for displaced workers in San Bernardino County.  This program is designed to develop a skilled green workforce.  Once completed, students going through the ARRA funded program will be Building Performance Institute (BPI) Certified Building Analysts.  BPI technical standards are nationally recognized standards used by the ENERGY STAR program from the DOE and EPA.  This training program is offered at no-cost to San Bernardino residents.

$2 Million For Kern County Clean Air Projects Exit EPA Disclaimer (ABC23 9/2)
Bakersfield, California recently announced that the EPA and ARRA will be funding $2.38 million for air quality improvement projects in Kern County.  The funds will go to a variety of projects including replacing several school buses with Compressed Natural Gas and propane school buses.

Brownfields cleanup project resumes in Port Orchard Exit EPA Disclaimer (Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal 8/31)
ARRA funds will be used to complete the cleanup of a brownfield site in Port Orchard, Washington.  Cleanup began in 2007 and the project exceeded original cost estimates as the site exhausted EPA grant money.  The Port Orchard site is eligible to receive $150,000 of ARRA funds to remove the remaining sources of contamination.  The site will recommence the cleanup efforts on September 22, 2010.  Port Orchard Mayor Lary Coppola is ready to see the site finished and believes that “The greater community will profit from economic opportunities provided by the construction and in time; jobs will also be created to provide nursing care, handyman jobs, home maintenance, and food services.”

Federal Water Infrastructure Financing: Economic Stimulus Packages and Other Issues under a New Administration Exit EPA Disclaimer (Sustainability Archive 8/27)
Water infrastructure is a vital public health asset that has been financed for over twenty years by the US EPA through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.  The infrastructure requires funding and investment to maintain US water infrastructure.  EPA has been recognized for their ongoing success in maintain the nation’s water infrastructure by channeling recent ARRA funds to ensure the ongoing success the CWSRF program.

EPA Recognizes Recovery Act Water Re-Use Project In Raleigh, North Carolina Exit EPA Disclaimer (Public Works 8/23)
Raleigh, North Carolina has recently been recognized for the city’s Water Re-use project.  ARRA funds of around $280,000 (half of which is a 20 year interest free loan) have gone toward this infrastructure project in which cisterns were installed at 11 fire stations in the Raleigh area which collect rainwater to be reused for irrigation and cleaning purposes.  This has reduced demand on drinking water and promotes water conservation.

Finding and Applying for Green Industry Grants for Individuals, Businesses and Organizations Exit EPA Disclaimer (Green Jobs Ready 8/23)
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has opened up funding for “green collar” jobs.  This article is designed to help educate environmentally friendly entrepreneurs on ARRA grants, contracts, and loans.

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