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Recreational Water Illness Outbreak Response Toolkit

The following information is intended to help state and local health departments respond to outbreaks of recreational water illnesses (RWIs). While some downloadable documents below are cryptosporidiosis-specific, they can also be used as models when creating similar documents for other pathogens. Likewise, though these documents focus on parasitic diseases, some of the information can be used or adapted for use in non-parasitic RWI outbreaks. All documents can be downloaded and altered as needed.

General Information

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Pool Remediation

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Data Management

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Laboratory Diagnostic Assistance on Parasitic Diseases

  • DPDx. The goal of DPDx is to use the internet to strengthen diagnosis of parasitic diseases, both in the United States and abroad. Users can browse through concise reviews of parasites and parasitic diseases, including an image library and a review of recommended procedures for collecting, processing, examining, and shipping biologic specimens.

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Reporting Waterborne Disease Outbreaks

Submit waterborne disease outbreak reports to CDC via the electronic National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS).

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