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An important research project called the Agricultural Health Study is now underway. Over 89,000 individuals are participating in the project. This includes private and commercial pesticide applicators as well as the spouses of these applicators. Their cooperation is much appreciated and is essential to the success of the study. The study is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (specifically the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) and the Environmental Protection Agency and is being carried out through the efforts of collaborators at the University of Iowa and Battelle Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation. The goals are to investigate the effects of environmental, occupational, dietary, and genetic factors on the health of the agricultural population. This study will provide information that agricultural workers can use in making decisions about their health and the health of their families. For further information about the study, including study design, number of participants, numbers of cancer and mortality events observed, research topics, important findings, and publications, see the following links:

Last updated: January 2013

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