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Andrew Robison
Andrew W. Mellon Senior Curator of Prints and Drawings

Andrew Robison studied at Princeton University, Oxford University, and as a Fulbright Research Scholar in India. From 1970 through 1973, he taught philosophy at the University of Illinois. He joined the curatorial staff of the National Gallery of Art in 1974, becoming senior curator in 1983 and Andrew W. Mellon Senior Curator in 1991.

Robison was the lead curator for the 2007 exhibition Strokes of Genius: Rembrandt’s Prints and Drawings, and the spectacular exhibition The Glory of Venice: Art in the Eighteenth Century (1994–1995). He also organized The Poetry of Light: Venetian Drawings from the National Gallery of Art (2006), and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner: 1880–1938 (2003), and, with Judith Brodie, A Century of Drawing: Works on Paper from Degas to LeWitt (2001–2002), among many others.

Robison is widely published in journals such as Master Drawings and Apollo. He has authored numerous exhibition catalogues including Paper in Prints (1977), Master Drawings from the Collection of the National Gallery of Art and Promised Gifts (1978), Etchings by Giovanni Battista Piranesi: the Early Architectural Fantasies (1978), and Building a Collection (1997). Robison is the author of the book, Piranesi: Early Architectural Fantasies: A Catalogue Raisonné of the Etchings (1986).

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