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Celebrating the
20th Edition of the Encyclopedia of Social Work
Co-published by the National Association of Social Workers and
Oxford University Press
Terry Mizrahi and Larry E. Davis, Editors

The NASW Press and Oxford University Press are proud to announce the new, completely updated, revised and expanded 20th edition of the Encyclopedia of Social Work. This new edition of the Encyclopedia includes coverage of areas that have come to the fore since the 1995 publication of the 19th edition including demographic changes from immigration, technology, the implications of managed care, faith-based assistance, evidence-based practice, gerontology, and trauma and disaster. Each thoughtful article is written and signed by a top academic or social work practitioner and includes a bibliography for further reading.

Partnering with Oxford University Press for the first time, the 20th Edition endeavors to maintain the quality of the latest edition and at the same time to include new material to keep abreast of changes in the profession and society at large.
Authoritative and accessible:
  • Complete A-Z coverage of the field of social work – international in scope – both in coverage and authorship
  • 400 subject entries written by leading scholars in the field
  • 300 brief biographies of key figures in the history of social work
  • Each article fully cross-referenced
  • Easy-to-use index
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ISBN: 9780195306613
2008. Item # O6613 4-Volume Set, 2208 pages.
List Price: $495 / NASW Member Price: $395
[Click here to purchase hardback]
  • About the Editors
  • Associate Editors
Terry Mizrahi, PhD, MSW
Professor and Director of the Education Center for Community Organization (ECCO)
Hunter College School of Social Work, New York City

Larry E. Davis, PhD, MSW
Dean and Donald M. Henderson Professor
School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh

Paula G. Allen-Meares
University of Michigan

Darlyne Bailey
University of Minnesota

Elizabeth J. Clark
National Association of Social Workers

Ruth McRoy Davis
The University of Texas at Austin

Diana M. Dinitto

The University of Texas at Austin

Cynthia S. Franklin
The University of Texas at Austin

Charles D. Garvin
University of Michigan

Jan L. Hagen
University at Albany, SUNY

Yeheskel Hasenfeld
University of California, Los Angeles

Shanti K. Khinduka
Washington University in St. Louis

James Midgley

University of California, Berkeley

John Orme
University of Tennessee

Enola K. Proctor
Washington University in St. Louis

Frederic G. Reamer
Rhode Island College

Michael Sosin
University of Chicago

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