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Volcano Hazards Program
GPS measurement, Bibliographies, Datasets, Earthquake occurrences, Field inventory and monitoring, Field offices, Geochemical processes, Geochemistry, Geologic history, Geothermal resources, Hazard preparedness, Hazards, Hydrology, Hydrothermal processes, Igneous rocks, Image collections, International programs, Lahars, Maps and atlases, News services, Photography, Precipitation (atmospheric), Real-time monitoring and reporting, Reports, Risk assessment, Scientific software, Seismic methods, Seismic networking, Terminologies and classifications, Tiltmeter measurement, Videography, Videos, Volcanic activity, Volcanic eruption prediction, Volcanic rocks, Volcanology, Craters, Thermal features, Volcanoes

Cascades Volcano Observatory educational outreach: Available videos [More info]
Description of videos on Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainier, and Mt. Hood, with information on obtaining copies.
Eruption warning and real-time notifications [More info]
Describes strategy of volcano warnings and the real-time detection of a sudden eruption or lahar and immediate notification of the activity to the public and local, state, and federal emergency-management officials.
Eruptions from the Inyo chain about 600 years ago: sequence of events and effects in the Long Valley Area [More info]
Describes the volcanic activity that occurred along the southern part of the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain in California about 600 years ago.
Most recent updates for U.S. volcanoes [More info]
Short descriptions of recent volcanic activity in the US.
Photo glossary of volcano terms [More info]
Illustrates and describes commonly used volcano-related terms.
Preparing for volcanic emergencies [More info]
Describes activities of USGS scientists to increase public awareness of volcano hazards with links to publication and videos for public information on understanding and preparing for volcanic hazards.
Selected volcano information [More info]
Selected books, maps, videos, and other materials produced by the USGS Volcano Hazards Program. Many products highlighted here are intended for general audiences.
Types and effects of volcano hazards [More info]
Describes the 6 main types of hazardous activities and processes associated with volcanoes, including tephra, lava flows, pyroclastic flows, lahars (volcanic mudflows), landslides, and volcanic gas.
Volcano Hazards Program [More info]
Homepage for USGS Volcano Hazards Program with feature stories, and links to worldwide volcano updates, volcanic hazards, reducing volcanic risk, USGS international programs, and resources such as educator's page, videos, and online reports.
Volcano Hazards Program, California Volcano Observatory [More info]
Overview of volcano hazards in California with links to monitoring data including earthquakes and deformations, long-term outlook, volcano hazards in the area, USGS response plan, image gallery, monitoring and topical studies, publications and references.
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) [More info]
Homepage of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory with links to information about the observatory at Yellowstone National Park, volcanic history, photo gallery, monitoring data, publications and products, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Carbon dioxide and helium discharge from Mammoth Mountain, Long Valley caldera, California [More info]
An explanation of toxic carbon dioxide emissions at Mammoth Mountain in Long Valley caldera, and a description of magmatic helium discharge at the Mammoth Mountain fumarole with photos, maps, and links to other studies.
Geologic history of Long Valley Caldera and the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, California [More info]
Summarizes the geologic and volcanic activity of the Long Valley Caldera and Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain in east central California.
Hydrologic studies in Long Valley caldera [More info]
Hydrologic monitoring data for Long Valley caldera, California, on springs, streams, wells, fumaroles, and precipitation to study the natural hydrologic variations and the response of the hydrologic system to volcanic and tectonic processes.
Monitoring data of the Long Valley caldera and Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, California [More info]
Describes the monitoring effort and provides real-time data of the current restless activity of the caldera, including earthquakes, ground deformation, and release of volcanic gas and plus link to volcano monitoring techniques.
Photo gallery of the Long Valley area, California [More info]
Selection of photographic images of the Long Valley area that illustrate the consequences of the past geologic history of the Sierra Nevada, Long Valley Caldera, the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, glaciation, and faulting.
Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in the Long Valley -- Mono Lake Area, California [More info]
An introduction to the volcano hazards in the Long Valley area based on the past geologic history of the Long Valley Caldera and the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain.
Volcano hazard zones in the Long Valley - Mono Lake Area, California [More info]
Describes the volcano-hazard zones for the Long Valley and Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain identified by scientists of the U.S. Geological Survey.
Volcano monitoring at Yellowstone National Park [More info]
Describes volcano monitoring at Yellowstone National Park including an update of recent volcanic activity, real-time data, and link to volcano monitoring techniques information.

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