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National Science Foundation Home National Science Foundation - Education & Human Resources (EHR)
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WIDER Dear Colleague Letter Issued
The Directorate for Education and Human Resources announces an opportunity to seek funding for  Widening Implementation and Demonstration of Evidence-based Reforms.
Successful K-12 STEM Education Activities
alt "Successful K-12 STEM Education," a report produced by the National Research Council, and funded by NSF, is a response to a request from a member of Congress, Rep. Frank Wolf, to identify the characteristics of highly successful K-12 schools and programs in STEM. Information about activities associated with the report are available from Successful STEM Education.org.
Special Announcements

NSF Announces Science Across Virtual Institutes Initiative

STEM Education Resources 

Innovation Through Institutional Integration (I-3)

Recently Announced Funding Opportunities See All

Computing Education for the 21st Century
(NSF  12-609) Posted September 17, 2012

National Robotics Initiative
(NSF  12-607) Posted September 11, 2012

Innovation Corps Sites Program
(NSF  12-604) Posted August 30, 2012

Innovation Corps Teams Program
(NSF  12-602) Posted August 28, 2012

NSF Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability Fellows
(NSF  12-601) Posted August 27, 2012

Upcoming Due Dates See All

Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Program
(NSF  12-516) Full Proposal: September 28, 2012

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1:
(NSF  12-563) Full Proposal: October 3, 2012

Discovery Research K-12
(NSF  11-588) Letter of Intent: October 4, 2012

ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers
(NSF  12-584) Letter of Intent: October 5, 2012, Partnerships for Adaptation, Implementation and Dissemination (PAID)

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
(NSF  12-564) Full Proposal: October 5, 2012, Bridge to the Doctorate

News See All
Photo of two babies playing with blocks. Babies Are Born Scientists
Released September 27, 2012
Press Release
Photo with the skyline of St. Paul, Minn. in the background, wildflowers in the foreground. Maintaining Earth's Sustainability: Scientists, Engineers, Educators Take Coordinated Approach
Released September 17, 2012
Press Release
a math problem on a chalk board Math Anxiety Causes Trouble for Students As Early As First Grade
Released September 12, 2012
News From the Field
Kimberly Tanner Partnership Enhances Biology Teaching at California Community Colleges
Released September 11, 2012
News From the Field
Photo of IGERT trainees deploying a portable weather station. NSF Interdisciplinary Program Takes on Critical National Research Priorities
Released September 4, 2012
Press Release
Discoveries See All
Photo of children studying the feet of a leopard gecko. Mission Possible: Adding Engineering to the K-12 Curriculum
Museum director's dream to teach young students engineering spurs effort to bring technological literacy to all, with support from NSF
Released  September 5, 2012

Photo of teacher John Sheridan viewing Geometer's Sketchpad on a laptop. High-School Math in the Cloud
North Carolina project strengthens students' math skills using cloud computing and videos
Released  May 31, 2012

Photo of a student observing patterns of flowering and pollinators. Novel Answer to That Perennial "Earth Day" Question: "What Can I Do to Help?"
Groups of citizen scientists are making pivotal contributions to research on the Earth, its place in the universe and other natural phenomena
Released  April 19, 2012

Image of a young woman holding a circuit board and next to table with electronics. CalWomenTech Scale Up Project: Proven Tools Attract Women to STEM Training Programs
Project aims to increase recruitment and retention of women in community college STEM programs
Released  April 6, 2012

Events Calendar See All

September 27, 2012
AGEP "Office Hours"

October 1, 2012

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Additional EHR Resources
2013 EHR Budget Information
Publications See All
Dear Colleague Letter for the Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability (SEES)
Dear Colleague Letter: Opportunity for Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites Focusing on STEM Education Research
Dear Colleague Letter: Science Across Virtual Institutes (SAVI)
Computing Education for the 21st Century (CE21)
Other Site Features
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Research Overviews
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NSF-Wide Investments