capabilities based assessment and developing requirements two new learning modulesContinuous Learning Blog - [DAP]


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         Clark Rebecca, Continuous Learning Director

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   Home Skip Navigation LinksTraining > Continuous Learning > Continuous Learning Blog

Capabilities-Based Assessment and Developing Requirements - two new learning modules 


The following modules are now available to the acquisition workforce:


Title-  Capabilities-Based Assessment (CLR 250)

Continuous Learning Points- 5


CLR 250 is a comprehensive introduction to planning and organizing

Capabilities-Based Assessments (CBAs). The module contains four lessons: CBA

Definitions, Pre-Planning Research, CBA Team Building and Planning, and the

CBA Study Phase. Graduates will have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to

conduct and support effective and efficient Capabilities-Based Assessments

(CBAs) in support of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development

System (JCIDS).



Title-  Developing Requirements (CLR 252)

Continuous Learning Points- 5


CLR 252 explains how to develop Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) and Key

System Attributes (KSAs). CLR 252 examines the relationship of KPPs and KSAs

to technical requirements and how to get top-level requirements through

staffing and validation. The module is for requirements managers and other

managers who prepare and apply system attributes such as Key Performance



Please visit the Continuous Learning Portal at for further information on these offerings and other continuous learning opportunities.

Posted by Rebecca Clark on 7-Apr-10
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