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Initiation Speaker Grant

Initiation Speaker Grant

Alpha Kappa Delta will provide funds to bring a speaker to your chapter's induction ceremony. This program is meant to support grants paid to these induction ceremony speakers. Chapters with limited funds may encourage their speakers to use the grant funds to offset travel costs.  However, this would be at the discretion of the chapter and the speaker.

Alpha Kappa Delta will approve up to $500 upon approval of an application.

Please note the amount requested may not be what you are approved for as the amount available is prorated based on the number of eligible requests received in our office.

Funds are on a first come, first served basis.  There will be no prepayment of funds. 

Fall deadline: October 15, 2012
Spring deadline: February 15, 2013

Funds may not be available after the spring deadline.

  • Chapters must be active and in good standing with the Executive Office in order to receive funding.
  • Only Chapter Representatives who are active members of AKD are eligible to apply for student travel support.
    • Active membership runs by calendar year (January through December).  Only sociology faculty members may serve as Chapter Representatives.  
  • No more than $500.00 will be granted for support.
  • Applications must be reasonable.  Funding levels depend on the plausibility of applications.  Payment amounts depend on the accuracy and completeness of reports.
An eligible Chapter Representative completes an Initiation Speaker Grant Application. 
  • The request should include the name of the event, the scope of the event, the speaker’s name, contributions, qualifications, and the amount requested, all emailed by the Chapter Representative.
    • The scope of the event (number of initiates, number of guests, and importance of the occasion) must justify the amount requested. 
  • The amount awarded will depend on the reasonableness of the request.
  • The completed request form must be received in the AKD Office by the listed deadline. 
Send request to AKD@lemoyne.edu with an appropriate subject heading (ex. Initiation Speaker Grant Request for Le Moyne College). Requests are reviewed in the order received and are first come, first served. Applications must be received in our office before the initiation ceremony.


The AKD Office will acknowledge requests in two ways. 
  1. The office staff will reply to the emailed request indicating receipt. 
  2. The Executive Director will send an email to the Chapter Representative approving or denying an award of grant support no later than one week after the deadline.
    • If the request is approved, an AKD Initiation Speaker Grant Payment Voucher will be attached.
After the event, the Chapter Representative must submit:
  • A completed payment request voucher (sent with approval letter)
  • A W9 Form (if check is to be made out to an individual person) and,
  • A printed program from the event
    • The program must list the presentation and the name of the speaker receiving the honorarium. 
When documentation of the event is received in the AKD Office, a check will be cut.  Please allow up to 4 weeks for the check to be cut and arrive.  No funds will be paid without complete documentation.  Completed vouchers must be received in the AKD Office no more than 30 days after the initiation ceremony. No student travel funding will be paid out after June 1, 2013.

Note: The Speaker Initiation Grant Request, W-9, and renewal are attached.

Updated: 8/27/12

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