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Image Gallery : Image Details
 72 DPI Image 
 150 DPI Image 
 300 DPI Image 
Title: HIV
Description: The Gag protein is central to the assembly of new HIV virus particles. (a) Folded Gag molecules (multicolored) arise in the cellular cytoplasm. (b) Gag binds the viral RNA (black wavy lines) and drags it into the forming particle. (c) Gag molecules also may create assembly sites, where (d) Gag must stretch out to pack into the growing virus. (e) Virus particles eventually bud off from the host cell.

Subjects (names):
Topics/Categories: Neutron Research--NCNR
Type: Graphic/illustration
Source: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Credit Line as it should
appear in print:
Credit: NIST
AV Number: 10NCNR002
Date Created: 2010
Date Entered: 10/13/2010

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