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Technology Advancement Program

The Technology Advancement Program (TAP) is the District’s strategic approach to encouraging innovation and development of new emission reduction technologies. The TAP will consist of an ongoing review of new technology concepts, interagency partnerships, funding for technology advancement programs, and collaborations to build and expand local capacity for research and development in the San Joaquin Valley.

  1. Available funding, requests for proposals
  2. Contact Information
  3. Technology focus areas
  4. Completed projects

Available funding, requests for proposals

Funding opportunities made available through the TAP will be released as Requests for Proposals (RFP’s). Current and past RFP’s are available below. To receive notifications of any future RFP’s when they open, please sign up for our email list here.

Current RFP
    There is currently no open RFP, please see the ongoing proposal submittal section at the bottom of this page (here) for information about submitting proposals for District review.
Past RFP's
  • TAP12-01: The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (District) is seeking proposals for projects demonstrating new and innovative emission reduction technologies that have the potential for broad applicability in the San Joaquin Valley, and will assist the District in meeting its air quality goals.

    Date Issued: Monday, September 11, 2012
    Closes: Thursday, October 18, 2012
    Total Funding: $4,000,000
    Expected number of awards: 8 to 12
    Download: Request for Proposal TAP12-01, Workshop Presentation, Workshop Questions and Responses

  • TAP11-01: The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (District) is seeking proposals for projects demonstrating new and innovative emission reduction technologies that have the potential for broad applicability in the San Joaquin Valley, and will assist the District in meeting its air quality goals.

    Date Issued: Wednesday, July 05, 2011
    Closed: Friday, August 19, 2011
    Total Funding: $1,400,000
    Expected number of awards: 5 to 8
    Download: Request for Proposal TAP11-01, Workshop Presentation, Workshop Questions and Responses

  • TAP10-01: The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (District) is seeking proposals for projects demonstrating new and innovative emission reduction technologies that have the potential for broad applicability in the San Joaquin Valley, and will assist the District in meeting its air quality goals.

    Date Issued: Wednesday, June 03, 2010
    Closed: Friday, July 09, 2010
    Total Funding: $900,000
    Expected number of awards: 3 to 6
    Download: Request for Proposal TAP10-01

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Contact Information

District staff is available to assist you with technology advancement opportunities. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Phone: 559-230-5800
Email: technology@valleyair.org

For updates on the TAP program by email, including notification of new funding opportunities, please sign up for our email list here.

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Technology focus areas

In order to encourage technology development in critical areas that best serve the Valley’s needs to reach attainment, the District has established this set of technology focus areas tailored for Valley businesses and sources of emissions:

  • Renewable Energy. Renewable energy projects will focus on overcoming the barriers that prevent the use or adoption of zero-emission renewable energy sources or reduce emissions from renewable energy systems to make them cleaner than comparable non-renewable alternatives.
  • Waste Solutions. Waste solutions projects will focus on waste systems or technologies that minimize or eliminate emissions from existing waste management systems and processes, including waste-to-fuel systems, such as dairy digesters and other bio-fuel applications.
  • Mobile Sources. Mobile sources projects will demonstrate zero- or near-zero-emissions solutions to mobile source categories with emphasis on goods and people movement, off-road equipment, or agricultural equipment.
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Completed projects

Evaluation of Burn Boss® Air Curtain Burner
Sun-Maid Growers of California

Sun-Maid Growers of California and their project partner, the Nisei Farmers League, conducted a demonstration of a mobile prototype device called the Burn Boss® Air Curtain Burner throughout vineyards in the San Joaquin Valley. Sun-Maid tested this device as an alternative to typical open burning practices for paper raisin trays, in order to reduce visible smoke emissions as well as PM2.5. The basic principle of the Air Curtain Burner technology is that the smoke generated from the combustible material is reintroduced back into the burning material, thereby stalling or slowing down the smoke particles as they leave the device. During the demonstration, problems with ash build-up were evident, so suggestions and modifications were made to break-up these layers and accelerate the burning process. The demonstration successfully demonstrated that the Air Curtain Burner technology nearly eliminates visible smoke emissions from the burning of raisin paper trays or vineyard removal materials, and the technology may be a cost effective and viable alternative to open burning practices.

Download: Final Report

Greenwaste Compost Site Emissions Reductions from Solar-powered Aeration and Biofilter Layer
Association of Compost Producers

The Association of Compost Producers and their partners conducted a research project that involved building and emissions testing a prototype commercial-scale Aerated Static Pile (ASP) compost system. Three piles were built abutting each other to create an extended design collectively known as an eASP. Each eASP zone was placed on a foundation of aeration pipes and coarse-ground woody material, and was capped with a 1-foot-thick layer of finished, unscreened compost acting as a biofilter. The eASP was built using electric conveyors in place of diesel equipment, and was aerated using power provided by an on-site photovoltaic array. The prototype eASP and conventional windrows of the same age and feedstock were maintained for one month, during which time emissions of VOCs, ammonia and greenhouse gases were sampled using flux chambers. Emissions from the eASP during the active composting phase were significantly reduced for total non-methane, VOCs, ammonia, and NOx compared to the control windrows. The project also reduced the amount of fuel, water, and land necessary for active-phase composting.

Download: Final Report

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