United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Petition for Rulemaking Dockets for 2001

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Docket ID PRM Title Status
NRC-2001-0024 PRM-170-5 National Mining Association Denied
NRC-2001-0023 PRM-73-11 Scott Portzline, TMI Alert Consideration in Rulemaking Process NRC-2006-0016 and NRC-2008-0019
NRC-2001-0022 PRM-52-2 Nuclear Energy Institute - Regulations on Early Site Permits Denied
NRC-2001-0021 PRM-52-1 Nuclear Energy Institute - Early Site Permits and Combined License Applications Denied
NRC-2001-0020 PRM-50-74 Nuclear Energy Institute - Voluntary Alternative for ANS Decay Heat Standard Denied
NRC-2001-0019 PRM-50-73 Robert Leyse - Emergency Core Cooling Systems and Crud Denied
NRC-2001-0018 PRM-50-72 Union of Concerned Scientists - Performance Indicators Denied
NRC-2001-0017 PRM-35-16 American College of Nuclear Physicians and Society of Nuclear Medicine Denied
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012