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                                         UNITED STATES
                                 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                     WASHINGTON, DC  20555

                                         June 18, 1997

                               IR100 RADIOGRAPHY CAMERA TO CORRECT             
                               INCONSISTENCY IN 10 CFR PART 34 INCOMPATIBILITY


All industrial radiography licensees.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information
notice to make licensees aware of a scenario where the Industrial Nuclear
Company (INC) Model IR100 Radiography Camera would not pass the horizontal
shock test, as required by 10 CFR  Part 34, and of a retrofit to the INC Model
IR100 radiography camera, to correct that problem.  It is expected that
recipients will review the information for applicability  to their licensed
activities, and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid problems.  
However, suggestions contained in this information notice are not NRC
requirements; therefore, no specific action nor written response is required.

Description of Circumstances

Recently, NRC became aware of a scenario where the INC Model IR100 radiography
camera would not pass the horizontal shock test, as required by 10 CFR Part
34.20, "Performance Requirements for Radiography Equipment."  INC and the
State of California evaluated the problem, and INC took action to correct the


INC recently identified the "Safety Latch Plate" on the IR100 radiography
camera as a potentially more "fragile area" (as specified in ANSI N432-1980,
Paragraph 8.3.2) than the area previously tested.  It appeared that if the
Safety Latch Plate were struck directly on the front surface of the plate
(with the source in the safe locked position), the plate could be deformed and
deemed inoperable.  It also appeared that the plate might be susceptible to
damage if struck from the top and side.  To ensure that this type of potential
damage was not possible, a bumper that would prevent deformation was welded to
the back of the Safety Latch Plate, and the outer top edge of the plate was
angled at a 45 to 50 degree angle to a depth of approximately 3 mm (0.12
inch).  The modified device was tested to ensure compliance with ANSI N432-
1980, paragraph 8.2.

When the source is in the locked, stored position, there appeared to be no
significant safety issues, since bending of the Safety Latch Plate prevents
source crank out.  However, the State of California has stated that if the
source was in the exposed position at the time of impact, the source would not
be able to be returned to the shielded and secured position.

9706120340.                                                                        IN 97-35
                                                                        June 18, 1997
                                                                        Page 2 of 2

INC has indicated that it will contact all owners of potentially affected
cameras, on record with it, to notify them of the retrofit.  INC has
recommended that users return the cameras to INC for retrofits.  INC has
indicated that it can also send retrofit kits and instructions to users that
wish to perform their own retrofits.  Attachment 1 contains a copy of the
retro- fit kit letter and replacement instructions.  The retrofit can be
differentiated from the original design by verifying that the top part of the
plate has a bumper, that is welded on the backside of the Safety Latch Plate
and which fills a good portion of the space between the Safety Latch Plate and
the body of the projector.

To allow licensees sufficient opportunity to request and install the retrofit,
units not  containing the retrofit will continue to be approved for use
through December 31, 1997.  Effective January 1, 1998, units not containing
the retrofit will no longer be approved for use.  Affected cameras may be
checked for completed retrofit during any inspection.  Cameras with the
retrofit will be deemed to meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 34.

All affected cameras should be retrofitted as soon as possible.  Licensees
should contact INC, or the State of California, to obtain retrofit kits or
assistance with retrofit procedures, or to report that they have not received
their kit.  Affected cameras may be checked for completed retrofits during any

This information notice does not require any specific action or written
response.  If you  have any questions about the information in this notice,
please contact one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate
regional office. 

                                                        signed by

                                                   Donald A. Cool, Director 
                                                   Division of Industrial and 
                                                     Medical Nuclear Safety
                                                   Office of Nuclear Material Safety
                                                      and Safeguards

Technical contacts:   David Wesley
                      Dept. of Health Services
                      State of California
                      (916) 445-1884

                      Michele Burgess, NMSS

1.  INC Retrofit Kit Letter and Replacement Instructions