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United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Information Notices - 2010

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File Name Date Description
in2010-27 12/16/2010 Ventilation System Preventive Maintenance And Design Issues
in2010-26 12/02/2010 Submerged Electrical Cables
in2010-25 11/17/2010 Inadequate Electrical Connections
in2010-24 11/19/2010 Notice of Possible Source Leakage During Non-Routine Maintenance on a Gammacell 40 Irradiator
in2010-23 11/01/2010 Malfunctions of Emergency Diesel Generator Speed Switch Circuits
in2010-22 10/25/2010 Fuel Assemblies Damaged During Refueling Operations Due To Misalignment
in2010-21 10/06/2010 Crack-Like Indication in the U-Bend Region of a Thermally Treated Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tube
in2010-20 09/24/2010 Turbine-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Repetitive Failures
in2010-19 09/16/2010 Updated Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Estimates in Central and Eastern United States
in2010-18 09/02/2010 Implications of Updated Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Estimates in Central and Eastern United States on Existing Plants
in2010-17 09/10/2010 Common Cause Failure of Boiling-Water Reactor Recirculation Pumps with Variable Speed Drives
in2010-16 08/13/2010 Failure To Disable Unsafe Geometry Bandsaw Reservior Results In Criticality Safety-Related Alert
in2010-15 08/13/2010 Fuel Cycle Facility Configuration Management Errors
in2010-14 08/04/2010 Containment Concrete Surface Condition Examination Frequency And Acceptance Criteria
in2010-13 07/22/2010 Failure to Ensure that the Post-Fire Shutdown Procedures Can Be Performed
in2010-12 06/18/2010 Containment Liner Corrosion
in2010-11 06/16/2010 Potential for Steam Voiding Causing Residual Heat Removal System Inoperability
in2010-10 05/28/2010 Implementation of a Digital Control System Under 10 CFR 50.59
in2010-09 04/14/2010 Importance of Understanding Circuit Breaker Control Panel Indications
in2010-08 04/09/2010 Welding and Nondestructive Examination Issues
in2010-07 04/05/2010 Welding Defects In Replacement Steam Generators
in2010-06 02/17/2010 Inadvertent Control Rod Withdrawal Event While Shutdown
in2010-05 02/03/2010 Management Of Steam Generator Loose Parts And Automated Eddy Current Data Analysis
in2010-04 02/26/2010 Diesel Generator Voltage Regulation System Component Due to Latent Manufacturing Defect
in2010-03 02/03/2010 Failures Of Motor-Operated Valves Due To Degraded Stem Lubricant
in2010-02 01/28/2010 Construction-Related Experience With Cables, Connectors, And Junction Boxes
in2010-01 03/01/2010 Pipe Support Anchors Installed Improperly
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, June 06, 2012