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The Transformation of Region 2

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From the desk of Joanna Rosato

Upon taking the helm as Regional Commissioner in September 2011, my first priority was to improve employee engagement and communication, and in turn our regional performance.  So I enlisted our newly formed Board of Directors on a mission: how can we as a region engage our workforce in a new way to achieve organizational results? After soliciting feedback from customer agencies and employees it became clear that a transformation in the way we conduct our business was in order. And, that change needed to start with the restructure and realignment of several divisions.

 Maureen Lennon, Director, Leasing Division
Maureen Lennon,
Leasing Division

Our Leasing Division, for example, was structured to handle and execute lease projects through a customer-branch structure.  Although the system was adequate, leadership decided that a geographic alignment would prove a more effective way to manage projects. It would allow our Realty Specialists more leverage when negotiating rental rates and, since our Service Centers Division is already geographically configured, we would be better able to harness internal resources for a more seamless interaction with our customer agencies. So after many months of strategizing, our Leasing Division’s geographic alignment is in the initial stages of the implementation stage.  We expect that this change will shorten our lease cycle time and improve our customer satisfaction levels.

R2 Director David Segermeister
David Segermeister, Director
Service Centers Division

As for our Service Centers Division, we conducted a workload assessment which highlighted the need for consistent structure and staff between each of our Property Management Service Centers.  We created 37 new positions, many of which were filled internally, for both property management and program managers. We also established new positions, such as customer service specialists. We are already administering contracts more effectively and are confident that the improved structure will improve service.  

R2 Director Warren Hall
Warren Hall, Director
Acquisition Management Division

The final piece of our regional transformation related to our acquisition process.  A functional assessment conducted in FY11 showed that the best way to improve the acquisition function was to create a centralized division - we moved forward with the creation of the Acquisition Management Division (AMD) to handle all contracts and acquisitions over the simplified acquisition threshold of $150,000.00.

AMD now consists of three operational branches, and a compliance and oversight unit.  Centralizing the acquisition function within its own division allows us to maintain our geographic presence while enhancing our capital program and regional functional support.

One year later, I can say that PBS Region 2 is truly transforming!  These new alignments in our organization are a major step towards achieving our goals of more effective service and better value. We will continue to look at ways to provide better service and look forward to your feedback with regard to our changes.


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