U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration

Maine Division

Our Personnel

The staff of the Maine Division have a unique role in carrying out the FHWA mission. As one of fifty-two FHWA Federal-aid field divisions, we are responsible for the delivery of the Federal-aid Highway Program to state and local transportation agencies in Maine. Focusing exclusively on Maine allows us to develop close working relationships with the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) and many of Maine's towns and 16 counties. These close working relationships allow us to tailor our services to best meet those needs.


Todd Jorgensen
Division Administrator

Cheryl Martin
Assistant Division Administrator

Staff Functions

Administrative Support
Administrative Operations Assistant Simona Petrick
Systems Administrator Mark Demers
Performance Management Analyst Ken Miller (w/ MA)
SCEP Student Morgan Malley

Finance Team
Finance Manager Christopher Trenholm
Financial Management Specialist Paula Fortin
Financial Assistant Sara Hodgkins

Engineering Team
Engineering Team Leader Michael F. Praul, P.E.
Bridge Engineer Maria Drozd, P.E.
Senior Transportation Engineer Jeff McEwen, P.E.
Safety & Projects Engineer Brian Lawrence, P.E.
Environmental Engineer Cassandra Chase

Program Delivery
Right of Way & Environment Program Manager Mark Hasselmann
Planning and Development Manager Carlos Pena
Civil Rights Program Manager Colleen Sinotte (w/ NH)


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