Religion and Peacemaking

Latest from USIP on Religion and Peacemaking

  • August 29, 2012   |   Publication

    Qamar-ul Huda, USIP's senior program officer for the Religion and Peacemaking Center, talks about a a six-month investigation report recently released on the burning of Korans in Afghanistan last February, which sparked riots and deadly violence across Afghanistan.

  • August 23, 2012   |   Publication

    Qamar-ul Huda, senior program officer for USIP's Religion and Peacemaking Center, reflects on the foreign ministers at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) signed resolution to expel Syria from the international body.

  • August 3, 2012   |   Publication

    The maturing field of religious peacebuilding faces challenges in integrating with secular peacebuilding efforts, engaging women and youth, and working more effectively with non-Abrahamic religious traditions.

  • July 9, 2012   |   Publication

    Based on its experience in many zones of conflict, USIP believes that religious leaders and clergy are crucial to transforming inter-religious conflict. In Iraq, as in many places around the world, clergy are influential in shaping public opinion and mobilizing communities.

  • July 9, 2012   |   Course

    Understand the causes of conflict and violent extremism in tribal Muslim societies and learn how to develop policies and programs in conflict resolution, governance, justice, security, and development that contribute to sustainable peace.

  • July 5, 2012   |   In the Field

    Susan Hayward, senior program officer for the Religion and Peacemaking Center of Innovation, discusses USIP’s 5-day workshop, which focused on religious violence, inter-communal pluralism, and processes of problem-solving, sought to elicit consensus and provide practical support for religious leaders to serve as agents of peace in their local communities. This workshop was conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Religion and Endowments of the Kurdistan Regional Government.

  • June 12, 2012   |   Publication

    USIP's Hamid Khan, senior program officer for the Rule of Law Center, discusses the challenges Afghanistan faces in instituting a formal system of justice.

  • June 12, 2012   |   In the Field

    USIP's Hamid Khan, senior program officer for the Rule of Law Center, discusses the challenges Afghanistan faces in instituting a formal system of justice.

  • April 30, 2012   |   Publication

    On April 25, Robin Wright, noted author, journalist, and joint USIP-Woodrow Wilson Center fellow, was recognized by the Overseas Press Club (OPC) for her recent book Rock the Casbah: Rage and Rebellion Across the Middle East. Wright received the OPC’s Cornelius Ryan Award, which recognizes the best non-fiction book on international affairs. 

  • April 19, 2012   |   Publication

    The Islamists Are Coming is the first book to survey the rise of Islamist groups in the wake of the Arab Spring. In this book, Robin Wright offers an overview and 10 experts identify Islamists in Algeria, Egypt (two), Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, the Palestinian territories, Syria, and Tunisia. Each chapter is designed to help both a general audience and specialists.

  • April 16, 2012   |   Publication

    In an effort to strengthen peacebuilding skills inside of volatile but strategically important Pakistan, the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) will conduct an unusual training workshop on mediation, conflict resolution and conflict-prevention skills for 20 senior religious leaders from Pakistan in June.

  • April 9, 2012   |   Course

    Learn how to use Intergroup Dialogue (ID) to engage alienated groups in safe conversation about their identities with the goal of improving understanding, dismantling perceptions of the “other,” and creating alliances that help pave the way to greater intergroup cooperation and peaceful coexistence.

  • March 23, 2012   |   Publication

    With its research, analysis and field work, USIP is on the ground in key African nations working to prevent conflicts from turning deadly and to build local capacity to stop disputes from escalating into violent conflict.

  • March 21, 2012   |   Publication

    USIP hosted a briefing for an American commander deploying to the Horn of Africa.

  • March 20, 2012   |   Publication

    Qamar-ul Huda captures the key perspectives of a roundtable convened by the United States Institute of Peace which drew on the expertise of scholars, practitioners, U.S. government officials, and the policy community to discuss the implications of the burning of the Koran in Afghanistan in February, 2012.