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Contraindications - Answers
  1. Who should NOT receive this vaccine?
    • People who have had a serious allergic reaction to prior dose or vaccine component.
    • Anyone who experiences a severe allergic reaction (e.g., hives, swelling of the mouth or throat, difficulty breathing) following the first dose of MMR should not receive a second dose.
    • Diagnosed pregnancy or possibility of pregnancy within 4 weeks (use contraception); must be documented with counseling via SF 600/medical records.
    • Mumps Vaccine is contraindicated in people who are immune compromised (cancer, leukemia, lymphoma). Note: Being HIV positive is not a contraindication except for those who are severely immune compromised.
    • People using high-dose steroids, antimetabolities, or receiving radiation therapy
    • People with moderate or severe acute illness.
    • People who received blood products or immune globulin administered during the past 11 months.

  2. What about pregnant or breastfeeding women?
    While there is no evidence that the mumps vaccine causes fetal damage, women are advised not to receive the MMR vaccine during pregnancy as a safety precaution because of the theoretical possibility of a live vaccine causing disease.