
-08/17/12  Firebomb Attack in West Bank; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-08/03/12  Government of Israel-Palestinian Authority Agreement on Tax Revenues; Acting Deputy Spokesperson Patrick Ventrell, Office of Press Relations; Washington, DC
-07/18/12  Attacks in Bulgaria;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-07/17/12  Interview With Elise Labott of CNN;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Jerusalem
-07/16/12  Remarks With Israeli President Shimon Peres Following Their Meeting;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; President's Residence; Jerusalem
-07/16/12  Remarks With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Jerusalem
-07/15/12  Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Upcoming Trip to Jerusalem;  Senior Official; En Route to Jerusalem
-07/05/12  Secretary Clinton's Travel to France, Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Egypt and Israel; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-06/19/12  Gaza Rocket Attacks; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-06/19/12  Mosque Attack in the West Bank; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-06/12/12  Joint Discussion with Israeli President Shimon Peres Hosted by the Brookings Institution;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; The Hay Adams Hotel; Washington, DC
-05/17/12  Remarks With Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
-04/25/12  Israel's Independence Day;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/12/12  Remarks at the United Nations Security Council;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; United Nations; New York City
-02/13/12  Bombing of Israeli Diplomatic Vehicle in India and Attempted Attack on Israeli Embassy Personnel in Georgia;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-01/11/12  Mosque Attack in the West Bank; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-01/01/12  Jordan Hosts Israeli, Palestinian, and Quartet Envoys Meetings;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC

-11/16/11  Supporting Democratic Transitions and Economic Opportunity in a Changing Middle East; Deputy Secretary William J. Burns; MEI Annual Banquet; Washington, DC
-10/31/11  Palestinian Admission to UNESCO; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-10/31/11  U.S. Vote at UNESCO on Palestinian Membership; Paris, France
-10/27/11  Release of Ilan Grapel; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-10/24/11  Remarks at an Open Debate of the Security Council on the Middle East;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York, New York
-10/04/11  Mosque Attack in Northern Israel; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-10/02/11  Comment on Israeli Government Announcing Readiness To Resume Negotiations With Palestinians; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-09/21/11  Remarks With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Loews Regency Hotel; New York City
-09/21/11  Remarks by President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Before Bilateral Meeting; New York City
-09/19/11  Background Briefing on the Secretary's Meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov And Broader Israeli-Palestinian Issues; Waldorf Astoria; New York City
-09/09/11  Mosque Attacks in the West Bank; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-08/18/11  Bus Attack in Southern Israel;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-07/26/11  Remarks by Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo at an Open Security Council Debate on the Situation in the Middle East; Washington, DC
-07/08/11  Swearing-In Ceremony for Dan Shapiro, Ambassador to Israel;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-06/24/11  Gaza "Anniversary" Flotilla; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-06/21/11  Background Briefing: Senior Administration Official on an Update of the Middle East Peace Process; Office of the Spokesperson; Via Teleconference; Washington, United States
-06/15/11  Multilateral Cooperation Between The United States and Israel: Fighting Delegitimization, Moving Forward Together;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Washington Institute for Near East Policy; Washington, DC
-06/07/11  Burning of a Mosque in West Bank; Deputy Spokesperson Mark C. Toner, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-05/27/11  Attack on UNIFIL;  Deputy Spokesman Mark C. Toner, Office of the Spokesman; Washington, DC Also available in Arabic
-05/08/11  Israel's National Day;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-04/04/11  Remarks With Israeli President Shimon Peres Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Blair House; Washington, DC
-03/23/11  Bombing in Jerusalem;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/16/11  Illicit Arms Smuggling in the Middle East; Acting Deputy Department Spokesman Mark C. Toner; Washington, DC
-03/12/11  Murders in the West Bank;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-02/18/11  Briefing on the United Nations Security Council Vote;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; Via Teleconference; Washington, DC
-01/09/11  Demolition of the Shepherd's Hotel;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC


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