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Energy Management

Welcome to the Office of Acquisition and Property Management’s Energy Management page.

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About the Energy Management Program

As the lead Federal agency responsible for the protection and sound development of the nation's natural resources, the Department of the Interior has a special obligation to be a leader in energy management and conservation. As such, bureaus and offices across the Department are committed to conserving energy and water resources, eliminating waste, increasing renewable energy use, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impacts by optimizing the use of energy efficient and water conserving technologies. Bureaus and offices are also striving to incorporate energy efficiency, water conservation, and sustainable practices into the decision-making processes during the planning, design, acquisition, renovations, operations and maintenance of buildings. The Office of Acquisition and Property Management (PAM) coordinates these important Department-wide efforts.

PAM staff oversee the Departmental Energy Conservation Committee (DECC), which 1) provides long-range planning; 2) develops guidance for Energy Management Programs and initiatives; 3) makes recommendations on policy and procedural issues; 4) monitors energy management efforts; 5) serves as a conduit for information on bureau, Departmental, and Government-wide activities; and 6) provides feedback from the bureaus to the Department and other Federal agencies on energy management initiatives, issues, and concerns.


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