Training: Compressed Air Systems

    Learn about the diverse training sessions offered. The courses are taught by highly qualified instructors who have met rigorous standards.

    Compressed Air Systems Tools Training – 2-hour webcast

    Availability: Online webcast

    In addition to full-day training sessions, AMO now offers a convenient, introductory, two-hour webcast on the use of the Compressed Air Challenge (CAC) Toolkit and the AIRMaster+ software tool. This session introduces the tools and presents the basics—and the benefits—of using them to target opportunities for energy savings in your plant.

    Preview the webcastPDF.

    To sign up for a webcast, see the Training Calendar.

    Fundamentals of Compressed Air Systems – 1-day workshop

    Availability: Onsite instructor-led and web edition (four, two-hour, live webinars make up the web edition training)

    Find out how a compressed air system works and the benefits of optimal compressed air system performance. This initial class demonstrates how to compute the current cost of your plant's compressed air systems, how to measure and create a baseline of system performance, and how to determine the impact of different compressor control types. Learn basic approaches for cutting costs; identify steps for proper system operation, maintenance, and point-of-use accountability; and tailor a compressed air system management action plan for your plant. Learn more about Compressed Air Challenge Qualified Instructors.

    See the Compressed Air Challenge Training Calendar for upcoming sessions in your area.

    Advanced Management of Compressed Air Systems – 2-day workshop

    Availability: Onsite instructor-led

    Learn what data and tools are necessary to measure and assess the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a compressed air system. This advanced course in compressed air system management teaches you to develop a system profile and address point-of-use issues, including determining actual air quality requirements, investigating and reducing highest point-of-use pressure requirements, and addressing high-volume intermittent applications. In addition, you will learn how to implement a compressed air system maintenance program, determine different compressor control strategies, align the supply-side to demand-side operation, and gain an understanding of the value of heat recovery. Participants will also gain knowledge on how to successfully present project proposals to management. Learn more about Compressed Air Challenge Qualified Instructors.

    See the Compressed Air Challenge Training Calendar for upcoming sessions in your area.

    Become a Qualified AirMaster+ Specialist – 3½-day workshop

    Availability: Onsite instructor-led

    Earn recognition as a qualified specialist in the use of AIRMaster+ software by attending a qualification workshop. DOE and the Compressed Air Challenge® (CAC) offer a 3½-day training program for compressed air system specialists. This class includes classroom instruction, a practical exam testing hands-on measurement, and a written exam.

    To become a Qualified AIRMaster+ Specialist, participants must have previously completed the CAC's Advanced Management of Compressed Air Systems course as a prerequisite to the AIRMaster+ training. During the course, participants will learn:

    • How to use the AIRMaster+ software
    • How to accurately acquire input data for AIRMaster+
    • How to use AIRMaster+ to evaluate compressed air systems and develop a measurement plan
    • How to make measurements for hourly trends of typical daily data vs. making dynamic measurements to characterize system events, pressure and flow profiles
    • How to create AIRMaster+ compressor-operating scenarios, accounting for the effect of system dynamics, pressure profiles, characteristics of flow vs. pressure, and compressor control operation.
    • How to use the LogTool Software

    A pre-workshop webcast is held before this training. For more information about becoming a Qualified AIRMaster+ Specialist, please contact the Training Coordinator.

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