Federal Aviation Administration


NextGen Dashboard Lands On Time

NextGen Dashboard Lands On Time

NextGen is an effort that spans across aviation, and all players are necessary to make it happen: The pilots who fly the passengers, the air traffic controllers who guide them safely through the sky, the officials at airlines and in government who design and implement the new procedures (PDF).

Recently we have started a new dialogue with airline executives as we continue this joint endeavor. We are identifying important new paths where pilots can fly precision-based navigation approaches. Together with airlines we are working to identify when and why pilots request to fly those routes when they are sitting in the cockpit preparing to file a flight plan. We are working together to help airlines realize the benefits of NextGen today, and they are monitoring and tracking all the benefits they witness so we can share them with the public.

The benefits are already apparent: We're shaving minutes off flight times as we enhance the airspace around our busiest clusters of airports. That translates into fuel savings that help the environment. And it means getting you on the ground a little quicker, all while continuing to ensure your safety.

Page Last Modified: 08/09/12 12:24 EDT

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