DipNote Blog Posts

-08/09/12   U.S.-Russia Subnational Engagement: Breaking New Territory
-06/15/12   U.S., Brazil Strengthen Ties Through Subnational Engagement
-05/03/12   Bringing Together Young Political Leaders To Facilitate Inclusive Governments
-04/03/12   Leveraging Sister City Relationships as a Driver of Economic Growth
-02/24/12   Chinese Vice President Xi's U.S. Visit Offers Opportunities for State-to-State Engagement
-02/17/12   Engaging Brazilian Subnational Leaders on Upcoming Sporting Events

-11/18/11   Silicon Valley Presents New Opportunities and Tools for Subnational Engagement
-10/28/11   U.S.-China Governors Forum Promotes Subnational Economic Cooperation
-10/05/11   Washington, DC and Ankara Sign Sister City Agreement
-09/14/11   Engaging South African Local Government
-07/22/11   Launch of the Utah-Qinghai EcoPartnership
-07/21/11   U.S.-China Governors Forum Marks Historic Step in Subnational Engagement
-06/24/11   Promoting Peer-to-Peer Dialogue with U.S. Mayors and Their Foreign Counterparts
-06/14/11   Engaging U.S. State and Local Leaders in Advance of Rio+20
-03/07/11   State Department Hosts Sister Cities International
-03/01/11   U.S. Governors and Chinese Provincial Leaders Enter New Era of Engagement
-02/04/11   Facilitating State, Local Government Conversation with the Deputy Special Envoy for Climate Change

-08/11/10   Facilitating U.S. State and Local Government Involvement with AGOA Countries
-04/01/10   Reflections From World Urban Forum V


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