About the Office of Adolescent Health

The Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) coordinates adolescent health promotion and disease prevention programs and initiatives across the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). OAH was established through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010, within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health.

OAH collects and disseminates information on adolescent health to the public and to health professionals. It works in partnership with other HHS agencies to support evidence-based approaches to improve the health of adolescents and monitors trends in adolescent health.

OAH is responsible for implementing and administering a discretionary grant program of $105 million to support evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention (TPP) approaches. Competitive grants were made to public and private entities to fund medically accurate and age appropriate programs that reduce teen pregnancy. The program addresses rising teen pregnancy rates by supporting both the replication of evidence-based models and demonstration programs to develop and test additional models and innovative strategies. Under the Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148), OAH also administers the Pregnancy Assistance Fund (PAF), a $25 million competitive grant program. PAF funds states and Tribes to provide pregnant and parenting adolescents and women with a seamless network of supportive services to help them complete high school or postsecondary degrees and gain access to health care, child care, family housing, and other critical support.  PAF funds are also used to improve services for pregnant women who are victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, sexual assault and stalking. Awards were made in 2010 to develop and implement activities to support pregnant and parenting teens and women.

Click here for an overview of the Office of Adolescent Health and its grant programs.

Last updated: August 07, 2012