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Program Statistics & Administrative Performance

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This section contains a statistical overview of the SBIC program and the administrative performance of the SBA's Investment Division over the past five fiscal years.

Portfolio Composition:

Administrative Performance

Portfolio Composition

Number of Licensees at FYE 2011:


  FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011
Total 369 348 315 307 299
Debenture 132 129 126 140 143
Participating Securities 164 149 127 107 97
Other 73 70 62 60 59


Capital Commitments at FYE 2011 (SBA & Private):


Fiscal Year Debenture Funds    ($ billions) Participating Securities Funds ($ billions)
2007 $6.05 $11.22
2008 $6.87 $8.79
2009 $7.55 $7.39
2010 $9.07 $5.73
2011 $11.07 $4.52


Distribution of Debenture SBIC Financings:


By Instrument FY 2007 through FY 2011
Debt 45%
Debt with Equity 43%
Equity 12%


By Industry FY 2007 through FY 2011 ($ millions)
Manufacturing $1,585
Consumer Related $1,359
Transportation $1,154
Business Services $1,134
Communications $739
Computers $605
Medical/Health $565
Biotechnology $201
Construction $193
Financial Services $150
Industrial/Energy $113
All Others $317


By Geography (Census Regions) FY 2007 through FY 2011
Middle Atlantic 22%
South Atlantic 17%
Pacific 14%
West South Central 11%
East North Central 11%
New England 9%
Mountain 7%
West North Central 5%
East South Central 3%


Debenture Program - Small Business Financings & SBA Commitments:


Fiscal Year SBA Commitments to Debenture Funds ($ billions)
Average FY 2006 through FY 2009 $0.75
FY 2010 $1.2
FY 2011 $1.8


Fiscal Year Financings to Small Businesses ($ billions)
Average FY 2006 through FY 2009 $1.3
FY 2010 $1.6
FY 2011 $2.6


Administrative Performance:

1st Applicant MAQ Processing Times:


Fiscal Year MAQs Processed Average Processing Time (months)
2009 29 2.7
2010 44 3.5
2011 58 3.5


Licensing Processing Times:


Fiscal Year Processing Time < 6 mo. Processing Time > 6 mo.
2010 35% 65%
2011 50% 50%


Operations Turnaround Times:


Activity Year Number Processed % Beating Target Time
Commitments 2010 55 55%
2011 65 60%
Conflicts 2010 35 87%
2011 54 77%
Subsequent Funds 2010 55 40%
2011 65 100%


Success Rate for 1st Time Applicants:


Fiscal Year No. of MAQs Received % Awarded Green Light % Awarded License
2007 9 67% 22%
2008 19 58% 5%
2009 29 59% 10%
2010 51 51% 20%
2011 52 50% N/A


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