
  • This is a remarkable experience and I can’t really put into words how much fun I am having. I have learned more this first week, than in the two years I have taught. I can’t wait to use this new-found information in my class and am excited to share. Everyone we have met is spectacular and an inspiration.
  • This program has opened up so many doors and has rejuvenated my passion and love of teaching science. I hope to be able to get some of the scientists to visit my classroom. I would also love the opportunity to come back and visit and learn more from NIST. All of the materials/ lesson/ activities/ knowledge will be put to good use in my classroom.
  • This program was excellent! It was fascinating to see the different technology and hear the scientist’s presentations about their research. This is a wonderful program that has provided a copious amount of learning opportunities and exposure to educational models! I have especially enjoyed the hands-on labs and toys that I can integrate into my class this year!
  • Amazing experience with great teachers and scientists. The leaders were good at keeping everyone on task and had a good sense of the group’s pulse. The activities were so informative. I’m very excited to get back to school, tell my kids about NIST, and share my new knowledge, skills, and activities with the school community. THANK YOU!

    -  2012 institute participants -


The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers is a two-week workshop for middle school science teachers featuring hands-on activities, lectures, tours, and visits with NIST scientists and engineers in their laboratories.

Teachers who participate in the NIST Summer Institute gain:

  • Increased understanding of the subjects they teach
  • Increased understanding of how scientific research is performed
  • Materials and resources to implement what they learned at NIST in their classrooms
  • Increased enthusiasm for science, and
  • A network of scientists and engineers at NIST with whom to consult.

Teachers finish the NIST Summer Institute with a wealth of new knowledge about core topics such as forensics and materials science, and materials to integrate these topics into their classroom while meeting curriculum standards.

Solar Energy with Teachers


News !!

NIST Announces two FY 2012 Competitions for the NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers and NIST Research Experience for Teachers.  Application Process is Now CLOSED.



Dr. Mary Satterfield, Director

Email:  summerinstitute@nist.gov
Phone:  301-975-5364

National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop 8310
Gaithersburg, MD 20899