The National Alliance for Caregiving


Make plans NOW to join us on Wednesday March 13, 2013 in Chicago for the 7th Annual National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions. Visit our conference webpage for more information about the conference including the early bird registration, scholarship announcement, agenda and other updates. Updates will appear regularly.






The PowerPoint presentations from the 6th Annual National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions are available. Learn more about the importance of networking when resources are tight. Use the tools to build a coalition through social media. Be surprised by all the new technologies that are available to support the caregiving network and much more! Click here to relive the conference


On Thursday June 28, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a historic decision upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) individual mandate. However, to the surprise of many, the Court placed a significant limitation on the ACA’s Medicaid eligibility expansion provision. Under the ruling, states must be given a choice about whether or not to move forward with the ACA’s Medicaid expansion, and the federal government cannot cut off existing Medicaid funding to states that choose not to proceed with the expansion.
Here is a brief slide deck of Avalere Health’s analysis of how the Court’s decision will affect ongoing ACA implementation efforts, with a special emphasis on the practical and policy implications of the Court’s Medicaid decision. Also highlighted are key takeaway points for stakeholders.
SCOTUS Decision Highlights and Implications


Best Practices in Workplace Eldercare Study, March 2012 The National Alliance for Caregiving released the Best Practices in Workplace Eldercare study, commissioned by ReACT (a coalition of companies working to support employers and their employees who are family caregivers) and supported by a grant from the Alzheimer’s Immunotherapy Program of Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy and Pfizer Inc. The study was conducted to identify current trends and innovations in workplace policies and practices to support employees with responsibilities for caring for older adults (eldercare). In addition, the study examines key benefits to employers, including worker retention, improved productivity, lower stress and improved health among workers. These programs are seen also as a plus for attracting new employees.

Best Practices in Workplace Eldercare (pdf)

Multiple Sclerosis Caregivers 2012 (pdf)

Multiple Sclerosis Caregivers 2012 Study Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system, often times beginning in young adulthood. It presents in many different symptoms, at differing time frequencies and duration, requiring substantial caregiver assistance. One of the biggest challenges of living with multiple sclerosis is coping with the constantly changing state of the disease. It’s not unusual to encounter periods of severe symptoms followed by remissions. As a result, the physical, mental and financial burdens on family caregivers of people with MS are significantly greater than the general family caregiving population. This is the reality reported NAC’s most recent study: Multiple Sclerosis Caregivers 2012

Full Study | Press Release

Alzheimer’s Caregiver’s Healthcare Costs Increase as Person with Dementia Declines (pdf)

Alzheimers Caregiving Costs Study Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s can impact your own health and increase healthcare costs. This latest Alliance study shows a significant decrease in family caregiver health as their care recipient’s dementia increases. While there are studies that indicate that the health of family caregivers may be adversely affected, especially as their caregiving continues and becomes more intense, this study specifically examines the use of formal health services in a large sample of Alzheimer’s disease caregivers.

Full Study | Press Release


In April 2012, the National Alliance for Caregiving released a memo for caregiving coalitions providing an overview of Older Americans Act (OAA) reauthorization. Advocates are hopeful the Senate will debate and pass a reauthorization bill this spring or summer, and a number of bills with Senators’ priorities for OAA – including provisions that directly impact family caregivers via the National Family Caregiver Support Program – have already been introduced. The memo provides an overview of the Alliance’s priorities for OAA reauthorization, a summary of reauthorization bills, the Alliance’s position on each of those bills, and ways you can connect with your Senators and Representatives to express your views and priorities for reauthorization. To read the full memo, click here.

A Caregiver’s Story: Alzheimer’s is a Cruel Disease

Listen as Sabina Shalom shares the story of how her husband has gone from the man of her dreams to the man she barely knows. This touching story highlights the struggles she and nearly 15 million friends and family endure daily with the more than 5.4 million people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. PhRMA has partnered with the National Alliance for Caregiving to bring focus on the disease and those who provide the care. Please watch the video. Please click on “Like.” And please pass this message on to your friends and colleagues.