News Center

Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Sep 20, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Matrosov SY, GG Mace, R Marchand, MD Shupe, AG Hallar, and IB McCubbin. 2012. "Observations of ice crystal habits with a scanning polarimetric W-band radar at slant linear depolarization ratio mode." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00131.1.

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Management Position – BNL
Sep 20, 2012 [ Employment Opportunities ]       
REMINDER: Interested applicants for the Chairperson of the Environmental Sciences Department at BNL have until October 1 to apply. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is seeking a chairperson for the Environmental Sciences Department to lead the continued development of internationally competitive programs in climate, environmental science, and technology. Position requirements include: a PhD in atmospheric, [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Sep 17, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Cappa CD, TB Onasch, P Massoli, DR Worsnop, TS Bates, ES Cross, P Davidovits, J Hakala, KL Hayden, BT Jobson, KR Kolesar, DA Lack, BM Lerner, SM Li, D Mellon, I Nuaaman, JS Olfert, T Petaja, PK Quinn, C Song, R Subramanian, EJ Williams, and RA Zaveri. 2012. "Radiative absorption enhancements due to the mixing state of atmospheric black carbon." Science, 337(6098), doi:10.1126/science.1223447.

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Impact of Anthropogenic Emissions on Organic Aerosols During CARES
Sep 15, 2012 [ Research Highlights ]       
An Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) was deployed during the Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study (CARES) that took place in northern California in June 2010. We presented results obtained at Cool, California, (denoted as the T1 site of the project) in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, where intense biogenic [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Sep 15, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Setyan A, Q Zhang, M Merkel, WB Knighton, Y Sun, C Song, J Shilling, TB Onasch, S Herndon, D Worsnop, JD Fast, R Zaveri, LK Berg, A Wiedensohler, BA Flowers, MK Dubey, and R Subramanian. 2012. "Characterization of submicron particles influenced by mixed biogenic and anthropogenic emissions using high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometry: Results from CARES." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, doi:10.5194/acp-12-8131-2012.

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Another Kind of Rush in Alaska
Sep 13, 2012 [ Facility News ]       
Summer time in Alaska this year brought a rush of visitors to the ARM Climate Research Facility Barrow site. North Slope of Alaska facility manager Mark Ivey hosted two prestigious groups of visitors: a Sandia National Laboratory leadership team in June and U.S. Department of Energy management from the Office of Biological and Environmental [...]

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ARM Developer Needed for Radar Data Products
Sep 12, 2012 [ Employment Opportunities ]       
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility is a U.S. Department of Energy scientific user facility for the study of global climate change by the national and international research community. ARM has fixed sites from the Arctic to the equator and mobile facilities that are deployed to a wide variety of locations and climates. ARM [...]

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Memo from Real World to Cumulus Parameterizations: Get Organized!
Sep 12, 2012 [ Research Highlights ]       
Global climate models parameterize moist convection as a collection of individual convective cells that come and go over 15–30 minutes. Most of the world’s rainfall, however, is actually produced by “organized” storm systems: groups of storm clouds over an area comparable to a climate model gridbox that generate new storms as the old ones [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Sep 11, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Del Genio AD, J Wu, and Y Chen. 2012. "Characteristics of mesoscale organization in WRF simulations of convection during TWP-ICE." Journal of Climate, 25(17), 5666, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00422.1.

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Postdoctoral Research Associateship at NCAR/UWM
Sep 10, 2012 [ Employment Opportunities ]       
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associateship in parameterization of clouds and precipitation in climate models. The project seeks to improve high-resolution next-generation models, particularly in their simulation of precipitation, including extreme events. The project involves coupling a new cloud parameterization to a version of the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) that contains [...]

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Columbia University Seeks Postdoctoral Researcher
Sep 10, 2012 [ Employment Opportunities ]       
Columbia University's Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR) invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher to work on detailed cloud-resolving model (CRM) simulations of midlatitude deep convection and make extensive comparisons of CRM results with in situ, radar, and satellite measurements. The position is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Atmospheric System Research program and [...]

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Two Postdoctoral Positions for MJO Modeling Research/University of Miami
Sep 10, 2012 [ Employment Opportunities ]       
The Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) at the University of Miami invites applications for two postdoctoral positions in the Division of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography. We are seeking highly motivated postdoctoral research associates with strong backgrounds in numerical modeling and physics of tropical convective systems. Successful candidates are expected to join a [...]

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New Evaluation Product Provides Improved Eddy Correlation Data
Sep 10, 2012 [ Data Announcements ]       
Eddy correlation flux measurement systems (ECOR) are used by ARM to provide surface turbulence flux measurements. The Quality Controlled Eddy Correlation Flux (QCECOR) value-added product (VAP) improves the ECOR data by applying the following quality control (QC) procedures: Eddy correlation corrections Determination of the quality-controlled energy fluxes from the corrected ECOR fluxes Stringent QC checks. The QCECOR evaluation product [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Sep 10, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Morrison H, SA Tessendorf, K Ikeda, and G Thompson. 2012. "Sensitivity of a simulated midlatitude squall line to parameterization of raindrop breakup." Monthly Weather Review, 140(8), doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00283.1.

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ARM Developers Seek to Improve Data Flow
Sep 07, 2012 [ Data Announcements, Facility News ]       
Once a year, representatives from ARM’s External Data Center, Data Quality Office, Data Archive, and Data Management Facility gather with infrastructure management, scientists, and developers of data ingests and value-added products to discuss progress on infrastructure activities related to ARM data. In mid-August, the ARM Developers met at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to review [...]

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Launch with Larry
Sep 07, 2012 [ ARM Mobile Facility 1, Blog, TCAP ]       
The Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) is now underway, and the instrumentation at the ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) is up and running at the Cape Cod National Seashore’s Highlands Center. The site is an excellent place for observing both clouds and aerosol (small particles ranging in size from nanometers to micrometers that are suspended in the [...]

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Remote Sensing Retrieval Scientists Needed at AER
Sep 04, 2012 [ Employment Opportunities ]       
Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) has opportunities for atmospheric, ocean, and land surface remote sensing retrieval scientists to support the Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) project, a NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) project. MIRS is a state-of-the-art comprehensive and flexible real-time system for the retrieval of atmospheric profiles of temperature, water vapor, [...]

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New Radar Data Lead to New Value-Added Product
Sep 04, 2012 [ Data Announcements ]       
The Ka-band ARM zenith radars (KAZRs) have replaced the long-serving millimeter-wavelength cloud radars (MMCRs). As a result, the Active Remote Sensing of Clouds (ARSCL) value-added product (VAP), which is based on MMCR observations, is being replaced by a KAZR version, the KAZR-ARSCL VAP. KAZR observations in this VAP are corrected for water vapor attenuation and [...]

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New Organization to Optimize ARM Radar Data
Sep 04, 2012 [ Facility News ]       
In the past few years, the ARM Facility added 19 new scanning cloud and precipitation radars to its fixed and mobile sites. Combined with the Facility’s upgraded zenith-pointing radars, ARM now operates the world’s largest multi-frequency radar network for obtaining measurements of cloud and precipitation properties for climate studies. To ensure the quality, characterization, calibration, [...]

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New Product Organizes Data for Use by Modelers
Sep 01, 2012 [ Data Announcements ]       
Knowledge of a wide range of meteorological, chemical, and aerosol quantities and properties is needed to fully understand the key processes that affect aerosol life cycle. Field campaign and operational measurements of aerosol properties and trace gas chemistry are often available in a wide range of formats. As a result, scientists usually spend a [...]

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Publication Notice: 3 New References Available
Aug 28, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Lead Author(s) Kellner O, Natural Hazards | Bozeman ML, Natural Hazards | Sun L, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres [...]

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Publication Notice: 2 New References Available
Aug 27, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Lead Author(s) Mitchell DL, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Lamb PJ, Journal of Hydrometeorology [...]

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Diurnal Cycle of Monsoon Clouds, Precipitation, and Surface Radiation
Aug 27, 2012 [ Research Highlights ]       
The processes governing rainfall in coastal areas affected by monsoon rains are of great importance, as these regions include major population areas around the globe. Yet the diurnal variation of convection and associated cloud and radiative properties remains a significant issue in global forecast and climate models. This study analyzes observed diurnal variability of convection [...]

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How to Catch Aerosols in the Act
Aug 24, 2012 [ Research Highlights ]       
Grabbing a virtual tiger by the tail, scientists led by researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory directly linked a cloud’s inclination to rain to its effects on the climate. Using global satellite data and complex calculations, they were able—for the first time—to develop a proxy measurement for one of the most vexing questions in atmospheric [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Aug 24, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Wang M, S Ghan, X Liu, TS L'Ecuyer, K Zhang, H Morrison, M Ovchinnikov, R Easter, R Marchand, D Chand, Y Qian, and JE Penner. 2012. "Constraining cloud lifetime effects of aerosols using A-Train satellite observations." Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L15709, doi: 10.1029/2012GL052204.

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Atmospheric Sea Salt and Anthropogenic Organic Pollutants Mix to Lose
Aug 23, 2012 [ Research Highlights ]       
DOE scientists at Pacific Northwest and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories found that sea salt, launched into the atmosphere by ocean waves, reacts with organic acids produced by human-caused pollution to yield particles loaded with organic salts and depleted in chloride. These reactions occur during hydration-dehydration cycles of mixed sea salt/organic particles in the atmosphere, and [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Aug 23, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Laskin A, RC Moffet, MK Gilles, JD Fast, R Zaveri, B Wang, P Nigge, and J Shutthanandan. 2012. "Tropospheric chemistry of internally mixed sea salt and organic particles: Surprising reactivity of NaCl with weak organic acids." Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D15302, doi:10.1029/2012JD017743.

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Swapping Science with Korean Researchers
Aug 23, 2012 [ Facility News ]       
In Korea, typhoons and heavy rainfall/snowfall often result in serious socio-economic consequences. To enhance their ability to predict and mitigate the damage from these severe weather phenomena, the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA) is developing a three-dimensional network of ARM-like supersites for observing clouds, water vapor, and other meteorological components. On August 1, Dr. Kwan-Young [...]

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Raindrops and the Doppler Effect
Aug 20, 2012 [ ARM Mobile Facility 2, Blog, MAGIC ]       
Editor's note: As part of the preparations for the upcoming Marine ARM GPCI Investigations of Clouds (MAGIC) field campaign, principal investigator Ernie Lewis discusses how radars use the Doppler effect to determine raindrop sizes and speeds. Most of us know that the Doppler effect pertains to the change in frequency of a wave emitted by or [...]

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Publication Notice: New Technical Report Available
Aug 20, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Publication Notice: 2 New References Available
Aug 16, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Lead Author(s) Kuang C, Aerosol Science and Technology | Kuang C, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [...]

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ARM Education Receives Seal of Approval
Aug 14, 2012 [ Education, Facility News ]       
ARM’s lesson plan, “Effects of Solar Radiation on Land and Sea” was recently selected for inclusion in the NSF-funded Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network’s (CLEAN) collection of educational resources. Receipt of the prestigious CLEAN seal means that the selected resource passed an extensive peer-review by educators and scientists to ensure adherence to stringent Climate [...]

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Up Close and Personal at Cape Cod National Seashore
Aug 13, 2012 [ Feature Stories and Releases ]       
Enjoying fair skies and ocean breezes, a large and enthusiastic crowd gathered at the Highlands Center at Cape Cod National Seashore in late July to officially kick off the year-long Two-Column Aerosol Project, or TCAP. About 50 area stakeholders, four staff from the Massachusetts federal and state Congressional delegations, and several DOE officials joined [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Aug 13, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Yang H, S Dobbie, GG Mace, A Ross, and M Quante. 2012. "GEWEX Cloud System Study (GCSS) cirrus cloud working group: development of an observation-based case study for model evaluation." Geoscientific Model Development, 5(3), doi:10.5194/gmd-5-829-2012.

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Alphabet Soup: Radars for MAGIC
Aug 07, 2012 [ ARM Mobile Facility 2, Blog, MAGIC ]       
Editor's note: As part of the preparations for the upcoming Marine ARM GPCI Investigations of Clouds (MAGIC) field campaign, principal investigator Ernie Lewis provided information about the types of radars that will be used during the campaign. I visited Argonne National Laboratory earlier this week, where the ARM Mobile Facility instrumentation is being staged before it [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Aug 03, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Chuang CC, JT Kelly, JS Boyle, and S Xie. 2012. "Sensitivity of aerosol indirect effects to cloud nucleation and autoconversion parameterizations in short-range weather forecasts during the May 2003 Aerosol IOP." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, , . ACCEPTED.

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Many Forecast Errors Are Climate Errors
Aug 02, 2012 [ Research Highlights ]       
Despite recent advances made in climate modeling, large systematic errors are still present in the models’ simulated mean state of climate. However, fully understanding the cause of these systematic errors in a climate system is difficult because a climate system is a complicated non-linear system, and climate errors could be the compensated result from errors [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Aug 02, 2012 [ Publications ]       
EGU 2013 Call for Abstracts
Aug 01, 2012 [ Events ]       
Abstracts for session proposals are currently being accepted for the 2013 European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, April 07-12. This meeting aims to bring together scientists from across the globe specializing in all disciplines of the Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences. EGU also provides a forum where young scientists can present their [...]

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Postdoc Positions Available – PNNL
Aug 01, 2012 [ Employment Opportunities ]       
The Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change Division at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is looking for individuals with relevant qualifications, experience, and interests in one or more of the following areas: Cloud Statistics - Job ID: 301741 Cloud Parameterization - Job ID: 301743 Aerosol Wet Removal - Job ID: 301742 Boundary-Layer Turbulence [...]

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Publication Notice: 4 New References Available
Jul 31, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Lead Author(s) Reuter M, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Galli A, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Shupe MD, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Huang D, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques [...]

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Publication Notice: 2 New References Available
Jul 24, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Lead Author(s) Voyles JW | Flynn C [...]

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Publication Notice: 3 New References Available
Jul 23, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Lead Author(s) Vogelmann AM, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | Wu W, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres | Cox CJ, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Jul 19, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Rosenfeld D, H Wang, and PR Rasch. 2012. "The roles of cloud drop effective radius and LWP in determining rain properties in marine stratocumulus." Geophysical Research Letters, , doi: 10.1029/2012GL052028.

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The Influence of Observed Cirrus Microphysical Properties on Shortwave Radiation: a Case Study
Jul 13, 2012 [ Research Highlights ]       
The shortwave radiative effect of an ice cloud observed over the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility’s Southern Great Plains site in Oklahoma during the 2000 Intensive Operations Period (IOP) was investigated using vertical profiles of the size and shape distributions of ice crystals constructed from airborne cloud microphysical probes, libraries of the single-scattering properties [...]

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How Aerosols Affect Cloud Properties in Arctic Mixed-Phase Stratocumulus
Jul 13, 2012 [ Research Highlights ]       
Clouds play a critical role in determining the radiation budget of the Arctic through their role in complex feedbacks involving the sea ice, clouds, aerosols, and the atmosphere. Although seasonal variations in the concentration and compositions of aerosols exist in the Arctic, there is no clear understanding of the mechanisms by which aerosols impact cloud [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Jul 13, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Jackson RC, GM McFarquhar, AV Korolev, ME Earle, PS Liu, RP Lawson, S Brooks, M Wolde, A Laskin, and M Freer. 2012. "The dependence of ice microphysics on aerosol concentration in arctic mixed-phase stratus clouds during ISDAC and M-PACE." Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, , . ACCEPTED.

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Small Irregular Ice Crystals in Tropical Cirrus
Jul 10, 2012 [ Research Highlights ]       
Images of crystals from high-resolution Cloud Particle Imagers (CPI) installed on aircraft flying through ice clouds in many field campaigns have shown that small ice crystals, with maximum dimensions smaller than 100 micrometers, appear quasi-spherical. However, there have hitherto been no studies that investigated whether the detailed shape characteristics of these quasi-spherical particles vary in [...]

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Publication Notice: 2 New References Available
Jul 09, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Lead Author(s) Morcrette CJ, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society | Zhu P, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres [...]

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Publication Notice: 2 New References Available
Jul 06, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Lead Author(s) Nousiainen T, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | Mauno P, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres [...]

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Publication Notice: New Book Reference Available
Jul 05, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Vignola F, J Michalsky, and T Stoffel. 2012. Solar and Infrared Radiation Measurements. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Jul 03, 2012 [ Publications ]       
Van Weverberg K, AM Vogelmann, H Morrison, and JA Milbrandt. 2012. "Sensitivity of idealized squall-line simulations to the level of complexity used in two-moment bulk microphysics schemes." Monthly Weather Review, 140(6), doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00120.1.

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