Federal Aviation Administration

Alaskan Regional Supplemental Aviation Information

Updated: 3:01 pm ET January 4, 2008

On December 1, 1995 the National Transportation Safety Board recommended the FAA modify the NOTAM system in Alaska. They recommended, contrary to national regulations, that we accept and disseminate unverified airport information from any source. This was intended to increase the availability of accurate and timely airport information at remote locations where the employment of full-time, on-site airport managers is not practical. Additionally, changes to the NOTAM system excluded many items previously categorized as NOTAM L's. However, users continued to express the need for this information. A national system was not available that could provide, or would allow for, the type of retention and distribution necessary for processing this airport information. Consequently, the Alaskan Region developed the Supplemental Airport Information (SAI) program to satisfy the needs of our users as well as NTSB's recommendations.

Alaskan AFSS/FSSs receive, record, and disseminate two types of information with this program.

  • Other Information "O". Aviation information received from any source that does not meet NOTAM criteria. "O" reports should be limited to conditions that indicate a possible hazard to aviation and generally limited to aircraft movement areas and services. An example of this would be non-availability of fuel. This information is retained for 7 days.
  • Unofficial Aeronautical Information "U". Landing area information received that meets NOTAM criteria and has not been confirmed by the responsible Airport Manager or their designee. This information is retained for 24 hours.

At the present time Alaskan Region AFSS/FSSs only have access to supplemental information within their own flight plan area.

3:01 pm ET January 4, 2008