Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering
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College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

Institute of Technology


Welcome to the Department of Bioproducts 
and Biosystems Engineering!

Department Centennial Year - July 1, 2008-July 1, 2009

The department is celebrating its 100th year of engineering education, research, and extension.  View our Centennial slide show and read more...


Sustainable Use of Renewable Resources

Enhancement of the Environment

We offer teaching, research, extension and outreach in four core areas:

To find out more about our work in each of these areas, click on the headings above. Please explore the wealth of information on our web site. Feel free to contact us if we can be of help to you or if you have any suggestions to improve.

Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering Department


In the News
Dr. Sanwon Suh, wins the McKnight Land Grant Professorship

BBE faculty, staff and students celebrate the Holidays!

New  Course for Spring 2009BBE 4733 Renewable Energy Technologies

More News

Positions Available
Faculty: Biocatalysis and Bioprocess Engineering

Graduate Research

Undergraduate Research

Upcoming Events