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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Lye Meng Markillie

Systems Toxicology
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: J4-02
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Yang F, KM Waters, BJM Webb-Robertson, MB Sowa, CH Freiin von Neubeck, JT Aldrich, LM Markillie, RM Wirgau, MA Gristenko, R Zhao, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and DL Stenoien. 2012. "Quantitative Phosphoproteomics Identifies Filaggrin and other Targets of Ionizing Radiation in a Human Skin Model." Experimental Dermatology 21(5):352-357.  doi:10.1111/j.1600-0625.2012.01470.x


  • Orr G, WB Chrisler, KJ Cassens, R Tan, BJ Tarasevich, LM Markillie, RC Zangar, and BD Thrall. 2011. "Cellular Recognition and Trafficking of Amorphous Silica Nanoparticles by Macrophage Scavenger Receptor A." Nanotoxicology 5(3):296-311.  doi:10.3109/17435390.2010.513836
  • Labaj PP, GG Leparc, BE Linggi, LM Markillie, HS Wiley, and DP Kreil. 2011. "Characterization and Improvement of RNA-Seq Precision in Quantitative Transcript Expression Profiling." Bioinformatics 27(13):I383-I391.  doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr247
  • Zangar RC, N Bollinger, TJ Weber, R Tan, LM Markillie, and NJ Karin. 2011. "Reactive Oxygen Species Alter Autocrine and Paracrine Signaling." Free Radical Biology & Medicine 51(11):2041-2047.  doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2011.09.001


  • Chen B, LM Markillie, Y Xiong, MU Mayer, and TC Squier. 2007. "Increased Catalytic Efficiency Following Gene Fusion of Bifunctional Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase Enzymes from Shewanella oneidensis." Biochemistry 46(49):14153-14161.  doi:10.1021/bi701151t


  • Xiong Y, B Chen, HS Smallwood, RJ Urbauer, LM Markillie, NA Galeva, TD Williams, and TC Squier. 2006. " High-Affinity and Cooperative Binding of Oxidized Calmodulin by Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase." Biochemistry 45(49):14642-14654.  doi:10.1021/bi0612465
  • Weber TJ, HS Smallwood, LE Kathmann, LM Markillie, TC Squier, and BD Thrall. 2006. "Functional link between TNF biosynthesis and CaM-dependent activation of inducible nitric oxide synthase in RAW 264.7 macrophages ." American Journal of Physiology. Cell Physiology 290(6):C1512-C1520.  doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00527.2005


  • Weber TJ, RW Siegel, LM Markillie, WB Chrisler, XC Lei, and NH Colburn. 2005. "A paracrine signal mediates the cell transformation response to low dose gamma radiation in JB6 cells ." Molecular Carcinogenesis 43(1):31-37. 
  • Chen B, MU Mayer, LM Markillie, DL Stenoien, and TC Squier. 2005. "Dynamic Motion of Helix A in the Amino-terminal Domain of Calmodulin is Stabilized Upon Calcium Activation." Biochemistry 44(3):905-914. 
  • Chen B, MU Mayer, LM Markillie, DL Stenoien, and TC Squier. 2005. "Dynamic Motion of Helix A in the Amino-terminal Domain of Calmodulin is Stabilized Upon Calcium Activation." Biochemistry 44:905-914. 
  • Galeva NA, SW Esch, TD Williams, LM Markillie, and TC Squier. 2005. "Rapid Method for Quantifying the Extent of Methionine Oxidation in Intact Calmodulin." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 16(9):1470-80. 
  • Markillie LM, CT Lin, JN Adkins, DL Auberry, EA Hill, BS Hooker, PA Moore, RJ Moore, L Shi, HS Wiley, and V Kery. 2005. "Simple Protein Complex Purification and Identification Method Suitable for High- throughput Mapping of Protein Interaction Networks." Journal of Proteome Research 4(2):268-274.  doi:10.1021/pr049847a
  • Shi L, CT Lin, LM Markillie, TC Squier, and BS Hooker. 2005. "Over-expression of Multi-heme C-type Cytochromes." BioTechniques 38(2):297-299. 


  • Jasionowski M, KJ Krzyminski, WB Chrisler, LM Markillie, JE Morris, and A Gutowska. 2004. "Thermally-reversible gels for 3D cell culture of chondrocytes." Journal of Materials Science. Materials in Medicine 15(5):575-582. 


  • Weber TJ, and LM Markillie. 2003. "Regulation of Activator Protein-1 by 8-iso-Prostaglandin E2 in a Thromboxane A2 Receptor-Dependent and -Independent Manner ." Molecular Pharmacology 63(5):1075-81. 
  • Weber TJ, and LM Markillie. 2003. "Regulation of activator protein-1 by 8-iso-prostaglandin E2 in a thromboxane A2 receptor-dependent and -independent manner." Molecular Pharmacology 63(5):1075-1081. 


  • Weber TJ, LM Markillie, WB Chrisler, GA Vielhauer, and JW Regan. 2002. "Modulation of JB6 Mouse Epidermal Cell Transformation Response by the Prostaglandin F2 alpha Receptor." Molecular Carcinogenesis 35(4):163-172. 
  • Weber TJ, LM Markillie, WB Chrisler, GA Vielhauer, and JW Regan. 2002. "Modulation of JB6 Mouse Epidermal Cell Transformation Response by the Prostaglandin F2 Alpha Receptor." Molecular Carcinogenesis 35(4):163-172. 
  • Lipton MS, L Pasa-Tolic, GA Anderson, DJ Anderson, DL Auberry, JR Battista, MJ Daly, JK Fredrickson, KK Hixson, HM Kostandarithes, CD Masselon, LM Markillie, RJ Moore, MF Romine, Y Shen, EF Strittmatter, N Tolic, HR Udseth, A Venkateswaran, KK Wong, R Zhao, and RD Smith. 2002. "Global Analysis of Deinococcus Radiodurans Proteome by Csing Accurate Mass Tags." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99(17):11049-11054. 


  • Markillie LM, SM Varnum, PB Hradecky, and KK Wong. 1999. "Targeted mutagenesis by duplication insertion in the radioresistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans: radiation sensitivities of catalase (katA) and superoxide dismutase (sodA) mutants." Journal of Bacteriology 181(2):666-669. 

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