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Each year PestWise programs form dozens of new partnerships by awarding more than $3.1 million in grants to growers and researchers across the country. These grants fund projects that are exploring innovative practices, technologies and regulatory solutions to promote Integrated Pest Management (IPM) adoption. The Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) administers different grant programs that align with OPP's strategic goals and provide the platforms for our day-to-day work. These grants include:

  • Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act Partnership (PRIA2) Grants
  • School IPM Grants
  • Biopesticide Demonstration Program (BDP) Grants
  • Regional Agricultural IPM Grants

Former grant programs, which, while no longer active, remain familiar to many in the IPM community include:

  • Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP) Grants
  • Strategic Agricultural Initiative (SAI) Grants

In addition, several of these programs form broad-based partnerships with stakeholders across entire regions to further the adoption of promising technologies and practices demonstrated through grant projects.

Current Grant Programs

Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act Partnership (PRIA2) Grants
PRIA2 Partnership Grants advance public-private partnerships that focus on stewardship efforts. The program reduces risk associated with pesticide use by demonstrating innovative IPM practices and technologies as well as by outreach and education. Learn More about PRIA2 Partnership Grants >>

School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Grants
School IPM Grants will identify and reduce the risks associated with pesticide use in buildings and on grounds around kindergarten to 12th grade public and tribal schools in the United States. Learn More about School IPM Grants >>

three pesp partners discussing farming techniques
EPA Region 3's John Butler (center) with an Amish grower using IPM (left) and Cathy Thomas, IPM Coordinator for the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

Biopesticide Demonstration Program (BDP) Grants
BDP is a pesticide risk reduction partnership program coordinated by EPA. The program, historically funded, jointly funded and administered by EPA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/ Interregional Project No. 4 (IR-4)Exit EPA Disclaimer. BDP Grants is now solely supported by IR-4. It funds field demonstrations of registered biopesticides used within IPM systems. The program serves as a "real-time" laboratory for growers across the country to assess new and innovative biopesticides across a wide variety of agricultural applications. Learn More about BDP Grants >>

Regional Agricultural IPM Grants

Regional Agricultural IPM Grants, offered by EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), in coordination with the EPA Regional Offices, further, through research, development, monitoring, public education, training, demonstrations, or studies, the adoption of IPM approaches to reduce pesticide risk in production agriculture settings in the U.S. Proposed under this program must further through research, development, monitoring, public education, training, demonstrations, or studies the adoption of IPM tactics that reduce the risks associated with pesticide use, and demonstrate the importance and relevance of the proposed project on a regional level.

Former Grant Programs

Strategic Agricultural Initiative (SAI) Grants
SAI was a partnership between EPA and the agricultural community, with a unique focus on regional issues. SAI Grants supported the agricultural community's efforts to transition away from higher-risk pesticides to agricultural and pest management practices that are economically viable and protect human health and the environment. The successful program concluded in Fiscal Year 2010. Learn More about the former SAI Grants >>

Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP) Regional Grants
The PESP Regional Grants program promoted Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices and pesticide risk reduction. The program, which encompassed IPM projects across both agricultural and community settings, was concluded in Fiscal Year 2010.
Learn More about the former PESP Grants >>


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