U.S. Department of Energy
Table 2. Summary of Fuel Reprocessed at NFS West Valley

Table 2. Summary of Fuel Reprocessed at NFS West Valley

Fuel Source Reactor Name Received [Note b] Recovered [Note c] kg Pu
MTU [Note d] kg Pu
Atomic Energy Commission N-Reactor 379.4 553.0 533.5
Carolinas-Virginia Nuclear Power Associates CVTR-PARR 3.5 11.6 11.8
Commonwealth Edison Dresden-1 71.5 295.6 284.5
Consolidated Edison Indian Point-1 24.3 175.7 167.2
Consumers Power Big Rock Point 24.2 100.7 101.1
Nuclear Fuels Services, Erwin, Tennessee [Note j] SEFOR 0.1 95.5 95.2
Northern States Power Pathfinder 9.6 7.1 7.0
Pacific Gas and Electric Humbolt Bay 20.8 87.2 86.0
Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority Bonus Superheater [Note h] 1.7 0.9 6.5
Bonus Boiler [Note i] 2.4 4.0
Yankee Atomic Electric Yankee Rowe 88.2 652.4 632.7
Total 625.7 1983.7 1925.5


b. The difference between the received and recovered amounts are due to measurement uncertainty of reactor calculations, process holdup, and normal operating losses/measured discards.

c. The 0.1 kg difference between Table 1 and Table 2 for N-Reactor plutonium is due to rounding.

d. Metric Tons Uranium

h. Bonus Superheater and Bonus Boiler were parts of an experimental reactor.

i. Ibid.

j. The material from Nuclear Fuels Services, Erwin, Tennessee was in the form of liquid residues generated during the fabrication of reactor fuel for the Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor (SEFOR).